버진 하이퍼루프, 시속 1천 km로 공중부양 진공관 시스템 곧 상용화 VIDEO: Inside Virgin Hyperloop where passengers will travel at 670mph aboard levitating

'A glimpse into the future': Inside Virgin Hyperloop where passengers will travel at 670mph aboard levitating pods across America. We now just need it to be built...

Virgin Hyperloop has shared a step-by-step video of the passenger experience on board its Hyperloop system, all the way from arriving at the portal, to taking off on board a hyperloop pod

Virgin Hyperloop has shared a new concept video of what it will be like for passengers to travel on board

It takes the viewer through the full Hyperloop experience, from arriving at the portal, to boarding the pod

The pods float along a track using magnetic levitation and glide at airline speeds for long distances

Virgin Hyperloop is aiming for safety approval by 2025, before it starts offering commercial trips in 2030 


PUBLISHED: 16:31 GMT, 27 January 2021 | UPDATED: 20:48 GMT, 27 January 2021

   시속 670마일(1,072km) 이상의 속도로 공중부양 진공관을 통과한다는 생각은 최신 공상과학 블록버스터의 줄거리처럼 들릴지 모르지만 곧 현실이 될 수도 있다.

현재 버진 하이퍼루프는 미래지향적인 기술을 개발하고 있다. 그것은 우리가 여행하는 방식을 바꿀 수 있다고 주장한다.

작년 말, 동사는 처음으로 두 명의 용감한 참가자를 수송하며 이 기술을 실전 시연했다.

이제, 이 거대 기술 회사는 하이퍼루프 시스템에 탑승한 승객의 경험을 단계별 영상으로 공유했다. 

'버진 하이퍼루프의 승객 경험을 보여주는 것은 사람들이 처음으로 하이퍼루프 팟을 탔던 3개월 전 성공에 이어 미래를 엿볼 수 있는 것'이라고 버진 하이퍼루프의 회장 겸 그룹 회장 겸 DP 월드 CEO인 술탄 빈 술라얌이 말했다.

'우리는 우리 기술의 완성도을 입증했다. 우리는 100년 만에 최초의 새로운 대규모 교통수단이 될 수 있는 것을 상용화하는 데 가까워지고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

The idea of hurtling down a vacuum tube in a levitating pod at speeds of over 670 miles an hour may sound like the plot of the latest science fiction blockbuster, but it could soon become a reality.

Virgin Hyperloop is developing the futuristic technology, which it claims could transform the way we travel.

At the end of last year, the company demonstrated the technology in action, transporting two brave participants for the first time.

Now, the tech giant has shared a step-by-step video of the passenger experience on board its Hyperloop system, all the way from arriving at the portal, to taking off on board a hyperloop pod.

'Showing the passenger experience of Virgin Hyperloop is a glimpse of the future, following the success three months ago when people rode in a hyperloop pod for the first time,' said Sultan Bin Sulayem, Chairman of Virgin Hyperloop and Group Chairman and CEO of DP World. 

'We have demonstrated the maturity of our technology. We are getting closer to commercialization of what will be the first new mass-scale transportation mode in a century.' 

While this may sound pretty futuristic, it might not be long before we get to try the system ourselves, with Virgin Hyperloop aiming to offer commercial rides by 2030.

Virgin Hyperloop has worked closely with Teague to design its pods, which feature dynamic lighting and recessed seat wells to stop passengers feeling too claustrophobic

The new concept video takes the viewer through the full Hyperloop experience, all the way from arriving at the portal to boarding the pod.

Sara Luchian, Virgin Hyperloop's Director of Passenger Experience, said: 'Designing a new mode of transportation from scratch is both an opportunity and a responsibility.

'Hyperloop technology – and what it enables – is paradigm-shifting. It follows that the passenger experience should be nothing short of extraordinary.'

The hyperloop system features levitating pods that can carry up to 28 passengers through vacuum tubes at high speed.

Virgin Hyperloop has worked closely with Teague to design its pods, which feature dynamic lighting and recessed seat wells to stop passengers feeling too claustrophobic.

John Barratt, CEO and President at Teague, said: 'We leveraged decades of experience designing how people and things move across various modalities – taking some of the best aspects from aviation, rail, automotive, and even hospitality to create a new and better passenger experience that is distinct to Virgin Hyperloop.

'Recessed seat wells provide a greater sense of space, while the raised aisle is a touch of the unexpected and unique.

With hyperloop, vehicles, called pods, accelerate gradually via electric propulsion through a low-pressure tube

'Bands of greenery and wood textures subvert the aesthetic of typical mass transit materials with something optimistic and fresh. 

'All lighting in the pod—including the unassuming information displays—are dynamic and adjust based on traveller activity and journey milestones

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Virgin Hyperloop Passenger Experience


