나이지리아, 250억불 규모 세계 최대 태양광 ‘Desert to Power’ 프로젝트 VIDEO: African Development Bank Extends Desert to Power Program to Nigeria

African Development Bank Extends Desert to Power Program to 


By Nzube Nlebedim, Nigeria Field Editor on January 22, 2021

The President of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Dr. Akinwunmi Adesina, announced that the bank is set to undertake its ‘Desert to Power’ initiative in Nigeria. He announced that the initiative has already commenced in Morocco and Kenya.


나이지리아, ‘Desert to Power’ 이니셔티브 프로젝트 추진 동향

   Africa Oil & Power 보도(‘21.1.22)에 따르면, 아프리카개발은행(AfDB)이 추진하고 있는 ‘Desert to Power’ 이니셔티브 프로젝트를 나이지리아에서 추진할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다. 아프리카개발은행 총재에 따르면 이번 사업은 현재 케냐, 모로코에 이미 추진되고 있는 것으로 전하고 있다.  

‘Desert to Power’ 이니셔티브 프로젝트는 아프리카개발은행이 2025년까지 아프리카에 250억불을 투자하여 10,000MW 규모의 세계 최대 태양광발전단지를 건설하는 사업이다. AfDB는 에티오피아, 나이지리아, 수단 등 11개 국가에 거주하는 6000만 명에게 전력을 공급하기 위해 이번 사업을 기획했다.

아프리카개발은행에 따르면 6억 명의 아프리카 주민들이 전력을 공급받고 있지 못한 것으로 전해진다.

아중동실 김형미 (Tel. 02-3406-1048), icak.or.kr

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The Desert to Power project is aimed at constructing the world’s largest solar power zone that would supply 10,000 MW of solar power in African countries.

“Renewable energy is the future,” Adesina said. He advised that Africans must tap into renewable energy, in particular solar. He noted that it would be a big disservice to Africans if the power of the sun were not converted energy, and that 600 million people in Africa have no access to electricity.

Adesina made this announcement on Wednesday, January 20, 2021 at the African Investment Conference organized by the UK’s Department of International Trade. The conference was designed to facilitate further investment relations between Africa and the United Kingdom.

African Development Bank

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In his interview with Emma Wade-Smith, Her Majesty’s Trade Commissioner for Africa, Adesina expressed his optimism in the investment environment in Africa, asserting that Africa is a continent where investment is feasible. Adesina noted that healthcare investment is particularly important.

Adesina made it known that while economic investments were pivotal, there is the need to invest in youths, too. He said that investing in the youth would help them effectively develop their business ideas.


Desert to Power (Solarplaza Webinar)


