강아지는 왜 뼈를 땅속에 묻을까 VIDEO: Why do dogs bury bones?

Why do dogs bury bones?

By Tiffany Means 16 hours ago

Chewing bones is a favorite pastime of dogs. If a bone is very beloved, the dog might even bury it.

To humans, this behavior may seem odd, so why do dogs invest so much energy in burying their prized possessions?

"The reason why a dog buries something is to save it for later," Teoti Anderson, professional dog trainer and behavior consultant based in Florida, told Live Science. "When you don’t know when you’ll find your next meal, it makes sense to hide leftovers.”


dog digging hole(Image: © sanjagrujic via Getty Images)

강아지의 생존의 본능

   뼈를 씹는 것은 강아지가 특별하게 좋아하는 취미이다. 만약 뼈를 너무 좋아한다면, 심지어 뼈를 묻을지도 모른다.

인간에게 이러한 행동은 이상하게 보일 수 있는데, 왜 개들은 그들의 소중한 소유물을 묻는데 그렇게 많은 에너지를 투자할까

플로리다에 본부를 둔 전문 개 조련사이자 행동 컨설턴트인 Teoti Anderson은 라이브 사이언스와의 인터뷰에서 "강아지가 묻는 이유는 나중에 그것을 찾기 위해서다"라고 말했다. "다음 먹을꺼리에 대비해, 남은 음식을 숨기는 것이다."고 말한다

뼈를 묻는 행위는 "식량 보관"의 한 종류로, 나중에 접근할 수 있도록 사용 가능한 식량을 저장하는 것이다. 이것은 애완견의 조상인 회색늑대를 포함한 많은 종의 조류와 포유류에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 행동이다. 개들은 매장 본능을 물려받는다.

1976년 '행동생물학'지에 발표된 연구에 따르면, 교활한 사냥 솜씨로 알려진 늑대는 먹이를 완전히 집어삼킬 만큼 오랫동안 쓰레기 매립지에 머무르는 경향이 있지만, 때때로 유해를 옮겨 묻기도 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

The act of burying bones is a type of "food caching," that is, storing available food supplies for the purpose of later access. It's a common behavior in many species of birds and mammals, including in the canine ancestors of domestic dogs — gray wolves — which is where dogs inherited their burying instincts. 

While wolves, which are known for their cunning hunting skills, tend to stay in a scavenge area long enough to devour their prey entirely, they will occasionally carry and bury the remains of a kill, according to a 1976 study published in the journal Ethology. (Wolves and other canids are known as "scatter hoarders," meaning they stash their leftover food in hideaways located over fairly large areas.) This same study showed that even wolf pups cache, and will move their cache to keep it from being discovered by a sibling. So, when dogs exhibit this seemingly unusual behavior in your backyard, rest assured — they're simply following their instinctual "inner wolf."


edited by kcontents

Most dogs today don't need to store food because they have doting pet parents to feed them, but that doesn't mean their natural urge to squirrel things away for later doesn't still exist. Sometimes, the instinct to bury things has nothing to do with storing food or protecting it from scavengers. According to dog behaviorist Cesar Millan, burying can be a dog's way of savoring cherished objects, so they can be enjoyed again later. It can also be a way for bored dogs to initiate play with their owner, or a method of stress relief for anxious dogs.

Meanwhile, some breeds, such as terriers, are simply more prone to digging, whether to bury food or to burrow holes for no specific reason at all. "Dogs specifically bred to hunt or chase critters into their dens often like to bury toys, bones and treats," Anderson said. "So, it's not uncommon to see a Dachshund burying a bone under the couch pillows." Anderson added that if a dog doesn't have a burying instinct, it shouldn't be cause for concern.

Dogs that do "cache" seem to visit their hoards whenever the mood hits. "Some dogs stash a treat and then ignore it for a week. Some dogs seem indecisive and move their prize 20 times before settling on one [spot]. And other dogs bury a bone and forget it altogether," Anderson said. 


Why Do Dogs Bury Bones? - Primitive Instincts


