위험 화학물 탐지하는 '멀린 로봇' VIDEO: UK defence scientists develop robot to autonomously detect and map toxic chemicals

UK defence scientists develop robot to

autonomously detect and map toxic chemicals



The UK Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s) Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) has developed a prototype of a robot that can autonomously detect, report and map dangerous chemicals spread over large areas. Designated the Merlin, the robot was developed in partnership with independent UK vehicle engineering and development company HORIBA MIRA.


영국 DSTL, 위험 화학물 탐지하는 '멀린 로봇' 개발

화학물질 매핑 및 안전경로 표시 등 수행

    영국 국방과학기술연구소(DSTL)이 ‘멀린 로봇(Merlin Robot)’이라는 이름의 화학물 탐지 로봇을 개발했다고 ‘영국 정부사이트(GOV.UK)’가 전했다.

상단 사진설명

영국 국방과학기술연구소(DSTL)이 호리바 미라(HORIBA-MIRA)와 개발중인 ‘멀린 로봇(Merlin Robot)’(사진=유튜브)

이 로봇은 현재 테스트 중인 시제품으로, 영국 자동차 연구기관인 호리바 미라(HORIBA-MIRA)가 DSTL과 협력해 제작한 탐지 로봇이다. 이 로봇은 자율적으로 이동하면서 땅 위에 놓여 있는 화학 작용제(CWS)를 탐지하는 임무를 맡는다.

멀린 로봇은 화학물 위치로 정확하게 이동할 수 있도록 화학 증기 센서를 장착했다. 자율동작과 기능을 향상시키기 위해 인공지능(AI)에 기반 한 물체인식과 탐색 및 탐지 기술도 적용됐다. 카메라를 탑재해 병사가 위험지역 밖에서 사건 현장을 감시, 관리하도록 돕기도 한다.

DSTL에 따르면 이 로봇은 현재까지 1만 제곱미터 넓이의 지역을 돌아다니며 테스트를 받았다. 현장 탐색, 장애물 회피, 화학 물질 매핑 등 다양한 자율 동작을 수행했다. 또한 전문적으로 훈련을 받은 화학 정찰팀과 함께 모의 작전을 진행해 화학물질에 대한 지도를 작성하고 깨끗한 경로를 표시하는 작업도 실시했다. 테스트 결과는 성공적이었다는 설명이다.

멀린 로봇은 앞으로 전문 교육이 필요한 화학 정찰 인력을 줄이고 현장 병력의 위험을 줄이는 데 중요한 기여를 할 것으로 기대된다.

조상협  robot3@irobotnews.com 로봇신문사


via youtube

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The development of the Merlin was jointly funded by the MoD and the UK Home Office (interior ministry) because of its dual military and civilian applications (chemical defence and dealing with major chemical accidents). The development of the robot was started under a project named Minerva and the operational trials that tested the prototype were conducted as part of the subsequent Project Servitus.

The Merlin is a small tracked robot which is equipped with an artificial intelligence-based object recognition and search and detection system. For the trials, it was fitted with an off-the-shelf chemical vapour sensor. 


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Hitherto, what the military calls chemical reconnaissance, whether conducted in a military or civilian context, had to be carried out by highly trained specialist personnel in protective clothing. The task was both laborious and dangerous. 

The trial was operationally realistic, involving the exploration of an area, the avoidance of obstacles and the mapping of chemical contamination. The target substances were non-toxic chemical simulants which had been sprayed on the ground. The Merlin successfully operated over test areas that extended up to 10 000 m2 and had no trouble operating for several hours at a time. Personnel were able to monitor and manage the process from what would have been a safe distance, had the chemicals been dangerous. 

“Project Servitus has demonstrated the clear potential to make the job of military and emergency services users safer, more effective and future looking,” pointed out DSTL project technical lead Andy Martin. “The technology has significant potential in a number of fields, and work to explore the exploitation pathways within [chemical, biological and radiological defence] and elsewhere is well underway.”

The human-machine interface for the robot is tablet-based. Operators from 27 Squadron, Royal Air Force Regiment, a counter-chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear warfare unit, participated in the trials and were given basic training on the Merlin, before operating it, setting-up its missions, re-tasking it and monitoring its progress. They also acted as a ‘control’ for the trials by undertaking the same search and mapping tasks as the robot.

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Chemical Detection Robot | Merlin


