GM, 하늘 나는 자가운전 택시 디자인 공개 VIDEO: Cadillac of the sky: GM reveals flying autonomous car that can hit 56mph

Cadillac of the sky: GM reveals flying

autonomous car that can hit 56mph - alongside

a self-driving shuttle that monitors

passengers' vital signs

General Motors (GM) shared a concept video of two futuristic vehicles under the Cadillac brand. The first is a flying car (left) and the other is an electric shuttle that are both autonomous  

GM shared a video concept of two futuristic autonomous vehicles - a flying car and electric shuttle

The flying taxi is designed to carry one passenger to desigated ports around an urban area

It is an  electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that tops speeds of  56 miles per hour 

The autonomous personal vehicle has a large glass roof and sensors in seats to measure passenger's vitals 

GM,  하늘 나는 자가운전 택시 디자인 공개

    제너럴모터스(GM)가 CES(Consumer Electronics Show)에서 캐딜락 브랜드로 하늘을 나는 자가운전 택시를 공개하며 사업을 한 단계 끌어올리고 있다.

이 미국 자동차 회사는 시속 56마일(90km)의 최고 속도를 자랑하는 1인승 전기 수직 이착륙기를 보여주는 컨셉 영상을 공유했다.

지엠의 미래가 하늘을 찌를 뿐만 아니라, 영상은 두 명의 승객을 태우는 새로운 고급 무인 셔틀을 가지고 길을 가고 있다는 것을 보여주었다.

이 컨셉트 차량은 코로나 바이러스 대유행으로 사실상 처음으로 열리고 있는 기술 회의에서 아침 발언 중에 밝혀졌다.

GM이 동영상을 공유한 직후 주가는 주당 8.8% 오른 48.95달러를 기록, 시가총액을 약 700억달러로 끌어올렸다.

마지막 주요 주식 기록은 2017년에 있었지만, 46.76달러로 상승하는 데 그쳤다.

미래형 차량 두 대 모두 캐딜락의 헤일로 포트폴리오의 일부이지만, 이 두 대가 언제 생산될지는 확실하지 않다.

GM 대변인은 CNBC에 이 회사가 두 가지 자율적 개념의 모델을 모두 설계했지만 프레젠테이션 동안 컴퓨터 렌더링을 사용했다고 확인했다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

General Motors (GM) is taking its business to new heights by unveiling a flying self-driving taxi under its Cadillac brand at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES).

The American carmaker shared a concept video showcasing a single-seater electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that tops speeds of 56mph.

Not only is GM's future taking to the skies, but the video also showed it is heading down the road with a new luxury autonomous shuttle that seats two passengers.

The concept vehicles were revealed during the firm's morning remarks at the tech conference that is being held virtually for the first time due to the lingering coronavirus pandemic.

GM shared a concept video showcasing a single-seater electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft that tops speeds of 56mph

Scroll down for videos 

Moments after GM shared the video, its stock saw uptick of 8.8 percent to $48.95 a share that boosted its market cap to roughly $70 billion.

The last major stock record was in 2017, but it only rose to a high of $46.76.

Both of the futuristic vehicles are part of Cadillac's Halo Portfolio, but it is not clear when the pair will go into production.

A GM spokesperson confirmed to CNBC that the firm has designed models of both autonomous concepts, but used computer renderings during the presentation.

The firm says it boasts four rotors powered by a single 90-kWh electric motor that produces speeds up to 56 mph

The sleek, self-driving drone would be GM's first push into aerial mobility.

The firm says it boasts four rotors powered by a single 90-kWh electric motor that produces speeds up to 56 mph.

'You've been at the office and now you need to get to a meeting across town,' said Michael Simcoe, GM's vice president of global design, during the video presentation.

'The eVTOL meets you on the roof and drops you at the closest dedicated port closest to your destination.'

This would bypass traffic, crowds and other obstacles that stand in the way of commuters traveling from A to B.

Cadillac of the sky: GM reveals flying autonomous car that hits 56mph


