소니, 미러리스 카메라 장착 최소형 드론 출시 VIDEO: Sony offers first glimpse of its Airpeak drone that can carry an Alpha camera on an adjustable gimbal..

Sony offers first glimpse of its Airpeak drone that can carry an Alpha camera on an adjustable gimbal and capture footage and images from the air

Sony unveiled its first Airpeak drone at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES)

The model features a quadcopter design, with two landing gear extensions

It can be equipped with Sony's Alpha mirrorless camera system to capture high quality, full frame aerial photos and videos


PUBLISHED: 11:35 GMT, 12 January 2021 | UPDATED: 16:10 GMT, 12 January 2021

소니, 미러리스 카메라 장착 최소형 드론 출시

    스마트폰에서 TV에 이르기까지, 소니는 매력적인 전자제품으로 잘 알려져 있다.

현재, 이 거대 기술 기업은 에어피크라고 불리는 새로운 분사 브랜드를 출시하면서 드론에 관심을 돌리고 있다.

에어피크는 소니의 알파 미러리스 카메라 시스템을 장착할 수 있는 업계 최소급 드론으로 알려져 있다.

소니는 자사의 새로운 드론이 비디오 제작자들의 창의성을 지원하기를 희망하며, 에어피크 프로젝트에 참여할 공동작업자까지 찾고 있다.

에어피크는 이번 주 소니에 의해 CES에서 공개되었다.

소니 측은 '에어피크는 다양한 산업에서의 효율성 향상과 비용 절감은 물론 엔터테인먼트 산업의 발전에 기여하는 것을 목표로 비디오 크리에이터의 창의성을 최대한 지원할 것이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

From smartphones to TVs, Sony is known for its impressive range of electronic products.

Now, the tech giant is turning its attention to drones, launching a new spin-off brand called Airpeak.

Airpeak is said to be the industry's smallest class of drone that can be equipped with Sony's Alpha mirrorless camera system.

Sony hopes its new drones will support the creativity of video creators, and is even seeking collaborators to participate in the Airpeak project.

Airpeak is said to be the industry's smallest class of drone equipped with Sony's Alpha mirrorless camera system

Airpeak was unveiled by Sony at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this week.

Sony explained: 'Airpeak will support the creativity of video creators to the fullest extent possible, aiming to contribute to the further development of the entertainment industry as well as to improved efficiency and savings in various industries.

'Airpeak will also promote this project to enable drone-use with the highest level of safety and reliability in the environments where this has been difficult in the past.'

The model shown off at CES features a quadcopter design, with two landing gear extensions that retract upwards during flight.

While details on the drone remain sparse, Sony has shared stunning footage of an Airpeak drone in action

The drone can be equipped with Sony's Alpha mirrorless camera to capture high quality, full frame aerial photos and videos.

Sony said Airpeak is 'capable of dynamic filming and precise, stable flight, and aims to contribute to the world of entertainment while also pursuing new possibilities for creative expression.'

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