애완동물을 위한 스마트 도어 VIDEO: Smart doggie 'garage door' nabs 'Innovation Award' at CES for replacing..

Smart doggie 'garage door' nabs 'Innovation Award' at CES for replacing the traditional flap and letting users know when their pet goes outside via an app

The myQ Pet Portal is safe for dogs from 10 to 90 pounds

It comes with a collar sensor, camera and programmable myQ Pet Portal app  

The app lets you customize how Fido can enter/exit and sends daily reports

Intended to replace the front door, it retails for $2,999 including installation 


PUBLISHED: 22:36 GMT, 11 January 2021 | UPDATED: 22:51 GMT, 11 January 2021

애완동물을 위한 스마트 도어 

     CES 2021에서 히트를 친 MyQ Pet Portal은  집에 비웠을 때 강아지나 고양이가 자유를 만끽할 수 있도록 해준다.

이 장치는 낡은 도그 도어 플랩을 전면 도어에 내장된 스마트 슬라이딩 도어 시스템으로 교체한다.

포털에는 사용자 지정 칼라 센서와 프로그램 가능한 앱이 함께 제공되므로 원격으로 체크인할 수 있다.

이 포탈은 10에서 90 파운드(4.5~40kg)의 개들에게 적합하며, 편안하게 드나들 수 있도록 하는 안전 센서를 포함하고 있다.

차고 문 개폐기를 생산하는 Chamberlain Group이 개발한 이 회사는 올해 코로나 바이러스 대유행으로 인해 온라인으로 전환된 스마트 홈 카테고리 CES 2021에서 이미 최우수 혁신상을 수상한 바 있다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

A lot of us leaned on our pets during the pandemic, and a new invention can help you return the favor as life starts to return to normal.

Now taking victory laps at CES 2021, the MyQ Pet Portal allows your pooch or kitty to get a taste of freedom when you're not home to let them out.

The device replaces the old-fashioned doggie door flap with a smart sliding-door system built into the front door. 

The portal comes with a custom collar sensor and a programmable app so you check in on your furry friend remotely.

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The myQ Pet Portal replaces the old-fashioned doggie door flap with a programmable sliding-door system built into your house's front door.

The portal is suitable for dogs from 10 to 90 pounds, and includes safety sensors to make sure your pet gets in and out comfortably.

Developed by Chamberlain Group, which typically produces garage-door openers, it's already won the Best of Innovation Award in the Smart Home category CES 2021, which has moved online this year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

With professional installation, myQ Pet Portal is available for pre-order starting at $2,999.

A sensor on the pet's collar and an auto-close/lock system ensure other animals don't leave (or enter) while Fido is coming or going. 

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myQ Pet Portal, a Smart Dog Door for your Pup 


