마치 장난감 같은 3D 프린팅 2층짜리 집 만들기 VIDEO: Giant 3D-printer builds a TWO-STORY house in one piece
산업과학 Construction,Science/건설영상 Video2021. 1. 7. 16:50
Giant 3D-printer builds a TWO-STORY house in one piece
via youtube
Belgian company Kamp C recently finished construction of its first 3D-printed two-story house. The house was printed by a machine called the BOD2, made by a company called COBOD (Construction of Buildings on Demand).
벨기에 회사인 캠프 C는 최근 최초의 3D 프린팅 2층짜리 집을 완공했다.
COBOD에서 만든 BOD2라는 3D 기계에 의해 프린팅되었다.