UAE, 외국인 투자자 100% 기업 소유권 인정 VIDEO: Landmark Reform of UAE Foreign Ownership and Investment Laws

Landmark Reform of UAE Foreign Ownership and Investment Laws

Dechert LLP

United Arab Emirates November 25 2020

Foreign nationals to be permitted to own 100 percent of commercial companies within the UAE under new Decree

This briefing supplements our previous Dechert OnPoint briefings “Alert on New UAE FDI Law,” and “UAE FDI Law Positive List Confirmed” which discussed the introduction of the Foreign Direct Investment Law (Federal Decree-Law No. 19 of 2018) (the “FDI Law”) in the UAE in 2018 and the confirmation of the “Positive List” of economic activities in which up to 100 percent foreign investment would be permitted in 2020.

Creative Zone


아랍에미리트, 외국인 투자자 100% 기업 소유권 인정하는 외국인직접투자법 개정

    신 FDI(외국인직접투자) 체제의 일환으로 2020.12.1일부터 외국인 투자자들이 100% 기업 소유권을 취득할 수 있도록 함으로써 기존의 에미리트 국적자가 최소 51% 이상 기업(companies outside free zones) 소유권을 취득(즉, 외국인의 경우 기업 소유권 허용 최대치가 49%로 제한되었음)하도록 하는 스폰서(Sponsor) 제도의 약화를 의미하는 것으로 전문가들은 동 상법 개정으로 대규모 FDI 가 아부다비 및 두바이로 유입될 것으로 전망하고 있다.

- (100% 소유권이 인정되는 분야) 농업, 제조업, 운송 및 저장, 호스피탈리티 및 푸드 서비스, 정보통신, 과학, 기술, 보건, 교육, 예술, 오락 및 건설 분야가 허용되며, 이러한 100% 소유권 허용도 몇몇 기준을 충족해야만 하는 것으로 알려져 있음

- (100% 소유권이 인정되지 않는 분야) 석유 탐사 및 생산, 은행 및 금융 활동, 보험 등

- (Quota system 변화) 기업 집행이사진 구성과 권한에 대한 규정도 수정되었는바, 에미라티들이 기업 집행위원회의 다수를 구성하고 의장직을 차지하도록 한 quota system 에도 변화가 발생함.

- (주식 거래 규모 제한 완화) 기업들이 보유하고 있는 주식을 주식시장에서 자유롭게 거래할 수 있는 규모를 현재의 30%에서 70%까지로 확대

한-UAE인프라협력센터 김정태 (Tel. 02-3406-1194),

edited by kcontents

A new Decree issued this week by UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan will allow foreign nationals to own 100 percent of commercial companies within the UAE without the need for a local UAE national as sponsor. Up until the introduction of the FDI Law, all “onshore” companies (that is companies established outside a free zone) in the UAE were subject to strict foreign ownership restrictions and foreign investors could only hold a maximum of 49 percent of the share capital with a UAE national (or a UAE company) holding as a minimum 51 percent of the shares. The FDI Law relaxed this requirement by allowing increased foreign ownership in certain sectors contained on a “Positive List”.

Lupicinio International Law Firm

edited by kcontents

The new Decree is expected to bring a number of changes to the UAE Companies Law. However, the most significant changes concern foreign ownership and investment, in that UAE onshore companies will be able to be wholly owned by foreign (non-UAE) shareholders. This latest change is a landmark development which will no doubt encourage foreign investment into the UAE and help further diversify the local economy. Foreign ownership restrictions had always been a key concern for investors and having the flexibility of 100 percent foreign ownership both onshore and in the business free zones will help make the UAE a comparatively attractive place for both new businesses and the expansion of international businesses into the Middle East (especially as compared to other jurisdictions in the GCC which still maintain strict caps on foreign ownership). Prior to such change, foreign investors had to rely on beneficial ownership structures and arrangements designed to allow them to own a higher percentage, both in terms of control and economic rights, of UAE companies. A whole industry grew around ways to address limitations on foreign ownership, and the provision of professional nominee services became a lucrative business for a number of service providers. With the new Decree, reliance upon such complex and costly arrangements will no longer be required by foreign players setting up a business in the UAE.

Further details of the new Decree (including any ‘strategic sectors’ which may be excluded from the new rules) are expected shortly.

Explained: UAE's 100% Foreign Ownership Law


