뭐 매일 먹는 빵 먹으면 뇌손상이 온다고?...정말? BRAIN BREAD Dizzy spells & clumsiness could be warning sign that eating bread & pasta is damaging your brain

BRAIN BREAD Dizzy spells & clumsiness could be warning sign that eating bread & pasta is damaging your brain

A bad reaction to gluten could be causing some people spells of dizziness and making them extra clumsy.

The condition is called gluten ataxia and happens when your immune system reacts badly to gluten, which is found in foods like bread, pasta, cereal and even beer, and ATTACKS parts of the brain.



"밀가루 음식 먹었더니 뇌 손상, 그 이유는…?"

     최근 현대인들은 바쁜 아침에 밥 대신 빵을 많이 먹는다. 하지만 빵을 만드는 밀가루에 포함된 글루텐이 뇌 손상을 일으킬 수 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

29일(현지시간) 더선에 따르면 밀가루에 포함된 영양소 글루텐을 통해 면역체계에 부정적인 반응을 일으키는 `글루텐 실조` 현상이 나타난다고 보도했다.

이 현상은 뇌의 일부를 손상시켜 현기증을 일으키며 심하면 뇌졸증과 같은 증상이 나타난다.

더불어 글루텐 실조가 심해지면 뇌졸증과 같은 현상인 걷기와 말하기가 어려워지며 마비가 오는 것으로 알려졌다. 하지만 글루텐 실조는 주로 노년기에 찾아오는데 잘 알려지지 않은 병명으로 병원에서 초기에 진찰하는데 어려움이 있다.

글루텐 실조는 초기에 진단하면 글루텐 프리 식단이라는 간단한 식이요법으로도 치료할 수 있지만 많은 환자는 초기 증상을 포착하기 어려워 병이 악화된 이후에 전문병원을 찾는 경우가 많다. 초기 증상은 복부통증, 팽만감, 가스, 설사, 변비, 구토 등을 보이는 것으로 알려졌다.

아직까지 글루텐 실조는 흔히 알려지지 않았지만 만성 소화 장애를 겪는 사람들이 걸릴 확률이 그렇지 않은 사람에 비해 16배나 더 높은 것으로 밝혀졌다. 이 질병은 유전적 결함 때문에 발생한다고 더선은 보도했다.

한편, 글루텐 프리는 글루텐이 포함된 밀가루로 만든 음식을 먹지 않으며 식단을 조절하는 행위로 글루텐 실조 초기에 처방되는 식이요법으로 알려졌다.

[박완준 인턴기자] 매일경제 


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In the most serious of cases, some patients can suffer stroke-like symptoms such as difficulty walking and talking and even paralysis.

And if left untreated, it can cause permanent brain damage.

One sufferer of the rarely-spotted condition, mum-of-one Lorraine from South Yorks said it made her feel like she was "losing my mind".

The 65-year-old's symptoms were so bad she had to use two walking sticks to get around.

Baffled doctors struggled to figure out what was wrong with her and the bizarre condition is often mistaken for other, more well-known afflictions.

She told The Mail on Sunday: "When I first went to my GP in 2008, I was told it was menopause.

"I was referred to a neurologist, who did tests for a suspected stroke but they came back normal."

But as it got progressively worse, Lorraine was eventually referred to a Neurologist.

Professor Marios Hadjivassiliou at the Shefflied Ataxia Centre was able to diagnose Lorraine and prescribe the simple treatment - a gluten free diet.

Sadly, Lorraine has been left with life-long affects like slurred speech - but she can now walk for the first time without her sticks, she said.


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The little-known condition is closely linked to coeliac disease, with sufferers 16 times more likely to develop gluten ataxia.

It's thought the two conditions are caused by the same genetic fault.

Prof Hadjivassiliou, who opened the centre dedicated to the condition 20 years ago, has treated more than 600 patients.

He said the main issue is that patients are referred to him as a last resort, by which time permanent damage has been done in some cases - which is especially frustrating when the solution is as simple as a switch in diet.

But along with other scientists in Sheffield, the doc has developed a new groundbreaking test that can diagnose a patient as soon as possible.



