가수 에리카 바두, "왼쪽 콧구멍은 음성 오른쪽은 양성...어처구니 없어" VIDEO: Erykah Badu shares mixed COVID-19 test results

Erykah Badu shares mixed COVID-19 test results 

"Next Lifetime" singer Erykah Badu has some questions about her COVID-19 tests that reported mixed results over the weekend.

Badu, who regularly undergoes COVID-19 testing to perform with her band, says she received some confusing results from her rapid tests on Friday.



가수 에리카 바두, "왼쪽 콧구멍은 음성 오른쪽은 양성...어처구니 없어"

   'Next Lifetime' 가수 에리카 바두가 주말 동안 엇갈린 결과를 발표한 자신의 COVID-19 테스트에 대해 몇 가지 질문을 하고 있다.

밴드와 함께 공연하기 위해 정기적으로 COVID-19 테스트를 받는 바두는 금요일 그녀의 빠른 실험에서 혼란스러운 결과를 얻었다고 말한다.

"증상은 없어. COVID 검사를 받았다. 그래미상 수상자는 트위터를 통해 "같은 검사장비인데. 왼쪽 콧구멍 양성.  우측 콧구멍 음성"이라고 말했다. "아마 그들은 스위스 비트에 전화를 해서 그들 사이의 대비를 할 수 있을 겁니다."

세 번째 음성 검사 후, 바두는 깨끗한 건강 진단서를 받았다.

가수는 두 번의 부정적인 결과와 한 번의 긍정적인 결과에도 불구하고 "닥터 ONLY가 긍정적인 결과를 보고했다"고 답답함을 토로했다.

계속해서 바두는 "24시간 이내에 양성반응을 보인 후 음성반응을 3배까지 하는 것이 얼마나 불편한가. 같은 시험인데. 우리는 그들이 100% 정확하지 않다는 것을 이해하지만 이것은 정말 이상하다."고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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"No symptoms. Was tested for COVID. Same machine. Left nostril positive. Right nostril negative," the Grammy Award winner explained on Twitter. "Maybe they need to call Swiss Beats so they can do a versus between them."

After a third negative test, Badu was given a clean bill of health.

The singer expressed frustration that, despite having two negative results and one positive result, the "Dr. ONLY reported the positive result."  

Continued Badu, "What an inconvenience to be tested positive then negative 3x after within 24 hours. Same test. We understand that they aren’t 100% accurate but this is strange."


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The "Bag Lady" singer is hoping for answers, especially since a nasal swab produced two different results at the same time from the same nose. 

"We need to investigate these tests further," she noted, also expressing that she would like her money back.

When a fan pushed back against Badu's results and claimed that the rapid test, called a COVID-19 Antigen Test, is only meant for show for the nation's elite, the singer corrected, "That’s incorrect . These rapid tests are given to the general public."

Other fans have since encouraged Badu to undergo the molecular RT-PCR test or a blood test, which are more accurate than the Antigen Test but take longer for results to come back.

It is unknown if Badu has undergone a molecular or blood test, but the singer insists that she is required to undergo a rapid test because that is what her job provides. 

By Megan Stone


LOVE u. A Badu Birthday Dance Party


