우즈베키스탄, 동부 철도 현대화 사업 1.2억불 규모 지원 받아...사업 가속 ㅣ 이집트, 리비아 벵가지 연결 철도건설 추진 ADB Approves $121 Million Loan to Complete Modernization of Eastern Uzbekistan Railway Networ..

ADB Approves $121 Million Loan to Complete Modernization of Eastern Uzbekistan Railway Network

By India Education Diary Bureau Admin -November 12, 2020

New Delhi: The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $121 million loan to complete the modernization of the railway network in eastern Uzbekistan that will help to stimulate economic growth in the Fergana Valley and improve trade and regional connectivity.



우즈벡, ADB, 철도 현대화에 1.2억불 지원

   ADB는 우즈베키스탄 동부 지역 철도 현대화 사업에 1.2억불 규모의 차관 지원을 승인하였다고 Podrobno.uz(2020.11.11)가 보도하였다.

이번 차관은 페르가나 지역의 Pap, Angren 및 Andijan을 연결하는 145.1km의 철도 전철화를 위해 사용된다.

이번 프로젝트는 철도 신호 및 통신 시스템 개선, 전문 인력 양성, 안전 강화, 화물운송 확대 등을 통해 페르가나 지역의 경제 발전에 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 또한, 우즈베키스탄과 중앙아시아 국가 간 관광 및 무역 활성화에 긍정적인 영향을 줄 것으로 나타났다.

한편, CAREC Corridor 2 Programme에 포함된 페르가나 지역의 철도 화물운송이 코로나19 발생 이후 크게 획대된 것으로 조사되었다.

미주유럽실 차류바 (Tel. 02-3406-1046), icak.or.kr

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The loan will supplement the $80 million financing ADB approved in 2017 to help electrify 145.1 kilometers of railway track between the cities of Pap, Namangan, and Andijan in the Fergana Valley. The additional financing will help expand the amount of freight transported and the frequency of passenger trains, eliminate gaps in signaling and telecommunications systems, and improve the capacity of railway staff in modern train management techniques.

“This expanded support will help ensure that trains on the modernized railway network operate safely and more frequently,” said Ko Sakamoto, ADB Principal Transport Specialist for Central and West Asia. “The project will enhance the attractiveness of railways as an environmentally friendly, reliable, and affordable mode of transport for the people of Uzbekistan.”

The modernization of the eastern Uzbekistan railway network is expected to enhance people’s access to health, education, and work opportunities. It will also boost tourism and trade between Uzbekistan and neighboring countries, as it is part of the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program’s Corridor 2. Railways are proving to be the most reliable and sought-after mode of transport for freight during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.

Central Asia in international transport corridors The Korea Times

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Uzbekistan’s railway network is an important engine of the country’s economy, carrying 30%–40% of its freight and 3%–4% of its passenger traffic. In eastern Uzbekistan, the network consists of a loop linking major cities in the Fergana Valley and a line from Pap through the mountainous Kamchik Pass to Angren and Tashkent. Branch lines extend into the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan. However, most of these lines were built in the Soviet era and designed to be used by fewer trains running on steam and diesel.

The project is aligned with Uzbekistan’s national development objectives including developing transport infrastructure as a key growth driver to promote economic development and liberalization and supporting the development of the social sectors.

ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.


Egypt to build railway line to Libya's Benghazi

November 9, 2020 at 1:22 pm | Published in: Africa, Egypt, Libya, News

Egypt is planning to establish a number of railway networks, including a line linking the country's north-western province of Marsa Matrouh to the Libyan city of Benghazi, the Egyptian transport minister announced yesterday.

"We are planning to construct a Marsa Matrouh railway network – off the port of Jarjoub – including the Marsa Matrouh-Siwa line, as well as the Matrouh-Salloum line, extending to the Libyan city of Benghazi," Kamel Al-Wazir told reporters.

Egypt to Build Railway Network to Sudan, Libya



이집트, 리비아 벵가지를 연결하는 철도건설 의지 표명

   Libya Herald 보도(‘20.11.10)에 따르면, 이집트가 Marsa Matrouh주 서북지역과 리비아 벵가지(Benghazi)를 연결하는 철도를 건설할 계획인 것으로 전해진다.

Al-Wazir 이집트 교통부 장관은 이번 사업이 이집트 정부 국책사업 일환으로 추진되며, 철도노선은 수단까지 연결하게 된다고 밝혔다.

이집트 정부가 이 프로젝트를 추진하려는 목적은 자국 경제 발전과 리비아 동부 정부와의 정치 유대관계를 강화하기 위한것으로 분석된다.

이집트는 리비아 내전기간(2019.4~2020.6) 동안 칼리파 하프타르(Khalifa Haftar) 장군이 이끄는 리비아 동부 정부를 지지해 왔다.

아중동실 김형미 (Tel. 02-3406-1048),  icak.or.kr

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He added that the projects would include "building an Aswan-Toshka railway line that will extend to Sudan's city of Wadi Halfa."

Al-Wazir pointed out that the projects would be carried out "in cooperation with investors."

READ: Egypt 'will not cooperate' with Turkey to solve Libya's crisis, says minister 

Since he came to power in a military coup in 2013, the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi has repeatedly said he would build cross-border railway lines with neighbouring countries to revive the region's trade.

The North African country's rail network has been hit by a spate of accidents in recent years that were blamed on decades of poor maintenance, negligence and a lack of funding.

In March, over a dozen people were injured when two passenger trains collided in the capital city of Cairo, afterwhich Al-Wazir was appointed post to work on transforming the nation's railway network.



