고속도로 터널공사 수직구 아래로 추락한 굴삭기 VIDEO: Check Out This Excavator Free Fall Down a Huge Underground Access Shaft

Check Out This Excavator Free Fall Down a Huge Underground Access Shaft

Excavators aren’t typically meant to be dropped down to a lower level, but certain circumstances require it sometimes.  The machines are obviously extremely heavy, so a large crane and proper rigging is required for it to happen safely. As a construction firm in Hong Kong, China recently found out, though, it’s a little tougher than it seems.


홍콩 고속도로 터널공사 수직구 아래로 추락한 굴삭기

 홍콩 건설사의 굴삭기를 공사 중인 고속도로 터널 진입 수직구 아래로 내리려다 터널 바닥까지 추락했다.

한 카메라 각도로 볼 때 굴착기가 약 4초간 낙하하는 것으로 보이며, 중력가속도의 표준속도를 계산해 보면 수직구깊이가 적어도 75m였다고 추정할 수 있다.

이 사업에는 길이 4.7km의 왕복 3차선 고속도로가 포함되며 약 55억 달러가 소요될 것으로 예상된다. 완공 예상은 2025년이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

While attempting to lower an excavator down an access shaft to the location of a highway tunnel currently under construction, the excavator begins to flip and then free falls all the way to the bottom of the shaft.

Based on one camera angle, it appears that the excavator falls for approximately 4 seconds, and, by using a calculation of the standard speed of gravitational acceleration ::pushes up glasses:: we can assume that the shaft was at least 250 feet deep. 

Here’s a picture of the aftermath

Thankfully, no one was injured in the incident, but someone has some ‘splaining to do.

According to Yahoo, the overall project includes a 4.7 kilometer long, dual three-lane highway and is expected to cost about $5.5 billion. Estimated completion is in 2025.

Enjoy two different angles of the incident, posted to YouTube by Alita Battle Angel, below: 


Excavator Falls Down Shaft. 


