탄소 배출량 90% 저감 확장형 날개 '레일'달은 오션버드 화물선 VIDEO: Oceanbird cargo ship concept with five colossal 260-foot extendable wing 'sails' promises...

Oceanbird cargo ship concept with five colossal 260-foot extendable wing 'sails' promises to reduce emissions by as much as 90 per cent

The Swedish 'freighter of the future' concept design relies mostly on wind to power its transatlantic journeys

'Oceanbird' shipping vessel has five vertical and retractable 'sails' that take inspiration from aeroplane wings

Wind-powered ships can reduce the industry's reliance on harmful fossil fuels that emit sulphur and carbon 

The usual aviation-inspired Swedish design will make it possible to power the largest ocean-going vessels by wind


PUBLISHED: 12:06 BST, 17 September 2020 | UPDATED: 12:08 BST, 17 September 2020


탄소 배출량 90% 저감 확장형 날개 '레일'달은 오션버드 화물선

  스웨덴의 한 디자인 회사가 78m 높이의 접이식 '레일'을 탑재한 화물선에 대한 개념을 공개했는데, 이 개념은 배기 가스를 90%까지 줄일 수 있다는 것이다.

195m 길이의 공기역학 오션버드 선박은 평균 10노트의 속도로 7000대의 자동차를 운송할 수 있으며 대부분 바람에 의해 움직인다.

대서양을 횡단하는 데 약 12일이 소요될 것이며 이는 오늘날의 화석연료 화물선보다 약간 더 길어질 뿐이다.

스톡홀름에 본사를 둔 디자이너 월레니우스 마린은 실물을 만들기 위한 준비로 6m 길이 모델의 해상 실험을 성공적으로 마쳤다.

완공되면 길이 195m, 폭 39m의 세계에서 가장 큰 범선이 될 것이다.

월레니우스 마린은 기후 변화를 반전시키기 위해 세계 해운업계가 화석 연료에서 재생 가능한 에너지로 전환할 필요가 있다고 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

A Swedish design company has revealed its concept for a cargo vessel with 260-foot-tall retractable 'sails', which it says can reduce emissions by 90 per cent.  

The 650-foot-long aerodynamic Oceanbird vessel can transport 7,000 cars at an average speed of 10 knots, powered mostly by wind.  

A transatlantic crossing on the vessel will take around 12 days - only slightly longer than today's fossil-fuel powered cargo ships.

Stockholm-based designers Wallenius Marine have successfully completed sea trials of a 20-foot-long model, in preparation for building the real thing.

When completed, it will be the world's largest sailing vessel at 650 feet long and 130 feet wide. 

Wallenius Marine says the global shipping community needs to shift away from fossil fuels to renewable energy, to help reverse climate change. 

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Oceanbird shows that the maritime industry can bring about major change and that zero-emission shipping is possible using wind, it claims. 

Wind will power the cargo ship across the Atlantic with 7,000 cars in its hull. It will be possible to retract the wing sails, reducing their height by approximately 200 feet

It could replace large vessels designed to transport heavy cargoes over large distances for long periods. 

'We are proud to present our third iteration of our design, which we have worked with for several years,' said Per Tunell, COO of Wallenius Marine.

'Shipping is a central function in global trade and stands for around 90 per cent of all transported goods, but it also contributes to emissions – it is critical that shipping becomes sustainable. 

'Wind is the most interesting energy source for ocean transports and with the 80 metre high wing sails on Oceanbird, we are developing the ocean-going freighters of the future.' 

Today, shipping accounts for 90 per cent of global freight and is a cost-effective method of moving goods and raw materials around the world.

Diesel engines have meant faster crossings but at a heavy cost to the environment, as they emit carbon dioxide, sulphur and other harmful gases.

Oceanbird reduces emissions by 90 per cent. The eventual goal for the Swedish company to be able to eventually operate freighters with zero emissions

As a greener alternative, Wallenius Marine is relying more on wind power with a distinctive design, which actually has more in common with aeroplane wings than the ropes and chains of traditional ship rigging.

The sails are made of a mixture of metal and composite and are twice the height of those on the largest sailing vessels around today. 

The incredible height of the sails harnesses the maximum possible wind power while cutting emissions. 

The wind originally helped humanity to discover far-flung regions of our planet, the Swedish firm says, and now it can help preserve it. 

The wing sails are made of a mixture of metal and composite and are twice the height of those on the largest sailing vessels around today

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Wallenius Marine - Introducing Oceanbird  KCONTENTS

