싱가포르 세계 최고 높이의 프리패브 빌딩 World's tallest prefab skyscrapers will rise in Singapore -- but they're being built in Malaysia

World's tallest prefab skyscrapers will rise in Singapore -- but they're being built in Malaysia

Published 10th August 2020

Apair of skyscrapers are set to become the tallest prefabricated buildings in the world.

And while the two 192-meter-tall (630 feet) towers will rise in densely populated Singapore, large parts of the structures are being built over the border in Malaysia.

Credit: ADDP Architects


싱가포르에 건설 중인 세계 최고 높이의 프리패브 빌딩

  아마도 이 고층 빌딩은 세계에서 가장 높은 조립식 건물이 될 것이다.

192미터(630피트) 높이의 두 개의 타워가 인구 밀도가 높은 싱가포르에서 솟아오르지만, 이 구조물들의 대부분은 말레이시아 국경 너머로 건설되고 있다.

'애비뉴 사우스 레지던스'라는 이름의 이 주택 프로젝트는 거의 3,000개의 수직으로 쌓아 올린 '모듈'에서 988개의 아파트가 형성될 것이다. 이 프로젝트의 배경에 있는 ADDP Architects는 조립식 프리피니시 볼륨 구조(PPVC)로 알려진 이 건축 방법은 노동 집약도가 낮으며 폐기물 및 소음 공해를 줄이는 데 도움이 될 수 있다고 말한다.

개별 모듈은 말레이시아 세나이에서 공장에서 만든 것으로, 6면 박스가 콘크리트에 연달아 주조된다. 그 후, 그 유닛들은 건설 현장으로 이동하기 전에 설치되기 위해 싱가포르의 시설로 운송된다.

ADDP Architects에 따르면, 그들이 도착할 때쯤에는 모듈 80%가 완성된다고 한다. 이 회사의 파트너 중 한 명인 마르쿠스 쳉 투안 한은 "이들은 크레인에 의해 제자리에 들어 올려지고 튼튼한 하중을 견디는 프레임을 형성하기 위해 단단히 고정되어 있다"고 말했다. 

그는 전화 인터뷰에서 "자동차 제조 컨셉트 같지만, 건축을 위한 개념"이라고 덧붙였다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The residential project, named Avenue South Residences, will see 988 apartments formed from almost 3,000 vertically stacked "modules." The firm behind the project, ADDP Architects, says the building method, known as Prefabricated Prefinished Volumetric Construction (PPVC), is less labor-intensive and can help reduce waste and noise pollution.

The towers' facades will feature balconies, sun-shading screens and a number of "sky terraces" filled with trees and plant life. Credit: ADDP 


The individual modules are factory-made in Senai, Malaysia, where a series of six-sided boxes are cast in concrete. The units are then transported to a facility in Singapore to be fitted out and furnished before being moved to the construction site.

By the time they arrive, the boxes are 80% complete, according to ADDP Architects. They are then lifted into position by a crane and "stitched up" to form a strong, load-bearing frame, said one of the firm's associate partners, Markus Cheng Thuan Hann. Final touches, such as doors, are added afterward, the architect said.

"It's like a car manufacturing concept, but for the building industry," he added in a phone interview.

Benefits of prefabrication

Limiting the amount of construction work carried out at the site, which is located in Singapore's residential Bukit Merah district, can help minimize disruption to those living nearby, Hann said.

"But this construction (method) really helps to reduce noise," he said, of the benefit to the surrounding public housing estates. "And it can reduce waste... because the workmanship in a factory is much better controlled."

The area surrounding the towers is described by the architects as "an inclusive oasis-like community space."

The area surrounding the towers is described by the architects as "an inclusive oasis-like community space." Credit: ADDP Architects

Another unforeseen benefit has emerged in the light of Covid-19: Fewer people are needed at the construction site at any one time. "It's easier to control safe distancing and logistical planning in the factory, rather than having all the (workers) on site," Hann pointed out.

The prefabrication industry first boomed in Europe and America during the post-war period, with urban planners using it to quickly and affordably address housing shortages. But the market for prefabs is now increasingly dominated by the Asia-Pacific region.

The building method has proven especially popular in Singapore, with the country's Building and Construction Authority actively encouraging the use of PPVC, citing an 8% cost saving and a 40% boost in productivity versus traditional construction means (it credits the latter to more productive "manpower," and "time savings"). Since 2014, the agency has even made prefabrication a requirement for certain sites.

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World Elite News Report: 🇸🇬 🇲🇾 World's tallest prefab skyscrapers will rise in Singapore


