영화 미이라의 로케이션 장소...비밀의 장소에서 여자의 비명소리가...VIDEO: CT scans reveal mystery behind 'the mummy of the screaming woman'

CT scans reveal 'the mummy of the screaming woman' died of a massive heart attack 3,000 years ago and developed a death spam before being embalmed

A site found in Egypt in 1881 was used for royals to avoid grave robbers 

One of the mummies was a woman with her head tilted and her mouth open

Experts used CT scans to determine what caused her death 3,000 years ago

She suffered from a massive heart attack and was found hours later

Since she was found later, her body developed a death spasm

Embalmers did not place her body back, but embalmed it as it was found 

A hidden location in Egypt was first uncovered during the late 1800s that held the remains of royals to save them from grave robbers, and the death of one individual has remained a mystery since –until now


PUBLISHED: 18:57 BST, 17 July 2020 | UPDATED: 21:18 BST, 17 July 2020


영화 미이라의 로케이션 장소...비밀의 장소에서 여자의 비명소리가...

   이집트의 숨겨진 장소라는 곳은 1800년대 후반에 처음 발견되었는데, 그들은 도굴꾼들로부터 보호하기 위해 왕실의 유해를 보관하고 있었다. 그리고 지금까지 한 개인의 죽음은 미스터리로 남아있다.

'비명하는 여자의 미라'라고 불리는 그녀는 공포에 질려 우는 것처럼 머리를 뒤로 젖히고 입을 벌린 채 방부처리 되었다.

연구원들은 이 이집트 공주가 3,000년 전에 대규모 심장마비로 사망했음을 밝히기 위해 CT 스캔의 힘을 이용했다.

유골의 위치는 이 여성이 몇 시간 후에야 발견되었다는 것을 나타낸다. 이 유골은 죽음의 시간은 경련을 일으킬 만큼 길었고, 방부제로 시신을 보존했다.

1881년 이집트 룩소르에서 데이르 엘 바하리의 왕실 카셰케가 발견되었다.

이 유적지는 21, 22대 왕조의 사제들이 왕실 잔해를 숨겨 도굴꾼들로부터 보호하려고 사용했다고 아흐라몬라인에서 보도했다.

그리고 안에는 '비명하는 남자의 미라'와 함께 '비명하는 여자의 미라'가 들어 있었다.

이전의 연구들은 CT 스캔을 사용하여 그 남자의 미스터리를 풀었는데, 그것은 람세스 3세의 아들이었던 펜타위어 왕자였다.

왕자는 역사적으로 하렘 음모로 알려진 아버지를 살해하려 한 데 대한 벌로 교수형을 언도받아 자살할 수밖에 없었다.

그의 몸은 비명을 지르는 여자처럼 왕족 주변에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 하얀 린넨과 달리 양가죽으로 싸여 있었다.

전문가들은 그녀의 이름이 메레트 아문이라고 믿지만, 역사적으로 세 명의 이름이 있었기 때문에 그녀가 어떤 공주였는지는 확실하지 않다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A hidden location in Egypt was first uncovered during the late 1800s that held the remains of royals to save them from grave robbers, and the death of one individual has remained a mystery since –until now.

Researchers employed the power of CT scans to reveal the Egyptian princess died of a massive heart attack 3,000 years ago. The results show she suffered from a severe case of atherosclerosis that affected a number of her arteries

Called 'the mummy of the screaming woman,' she was embalmed with her head titled back and mouth open as if crying in terror.

Researchers employed the power of CT scans to reveal the Egyptian princess died of a massive heart attack 3,000 years ago.  

The position of the remains suggests the woman was not discovered until hours after, which was long enough to develop death spasms and embalmers preserved the body as it was found.

In 1881, the Royal Cachette of Deir El-Bahari was discovered in Luxor, Egypt.

This site was used by priests of the 21st and 22nd dynasties to hide the remains of royals in a bid to save them from grave robbers, ahramonline reports

And inside was ‘the mummy of the screaming woman,’ along with ‘the mummy of the screaming man.’

Previous studies used CT scans to unravel the mystery of the man, which was prince Pentawere who was the son of King Ramses III.

Experts believe her name was Meret Amun, but are unsure which princess she was as there were three by that name throughout history. The female mummy received her name due to signs of terror on the face

The prince was forced to commit suicide by way of hanging as a punishment for his attempt to murder his father, which is known in history as the Harem Conspiracy.

His body was wrapped in sheep skin, unlike the usual white linen that is found around royals – like the screaming woman.

Experts believe her name was Meret Amun, but are unsure which princess she was as there were three by that name throughout history.

The female mummy received her name due to signs of terror on the face – her head titled back and mouth frozen as if she was screaming in pain.

To uncover the mystery, Egyptologist Zahi Hawass and Sahar Saleem, professor of radiology at Cairo University used a CT scan to reveal what caused her death some 3,000 years ago.

The results show she suffered from a severe case of atherosclerosis that affected a number of her arteries.


Previous studies used CT scans to unravel the mystery of the man, which was prince Pentawere who was the son of King Ramses III. Dubbed 'the mummy of the screaming man,' he was forced to hang himself for being involved in the murder of his father

This disease formed in the arterial wall, leading to a narrowing of the cavity and blockage of the vessel, and can be determined in a CT scan.

Hawass and Saleem concluded the screaming woman died suddenly of a massive heart attack and was not found until hours later, which allowed time for a death spasm – resulting in the form in which she was buried.

The team also found that the brain had not been removed, which was a common practice among royals.

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CT scans reveal mystery behind 'the mummy of the screaming woman'


