세계 최대 완전 전기비행기, 워싱턴 상공 30분간 첫 비행 성공 VIDEO: World's largest all-electric aircraft takes to the skies for the first time making a 30-minute
Up, Up and Away! World's largest all-electric aircraft takes to the skies for the first time making a 30-minute flight over Washington State
A single test pilot flew the all-electric aircraft over Moses Lake in Washington
MagniX have added their 750-watt electric motor to a Cessna Grand Caravan
It can seat up to nine people and required few changes to make it all electric
They hope to have a 100-mile range commercial version on sale in 2021
PUBLISHED: 13:06 BST, 28 May 2020 | UPDATED: 18:50 BST, 28 May 2020
세계 최대 완전 전기비행기, 워싱턴 상공 30분간 첫 비행 성공 세계 최대 규모의 완전 전기를 사용하는 비행기가 목요일 워싱턴 주 상공을 30분 동안 비행하면서 첫 비행을 했다.. 단독 시험 파일럿 9인승 비행기는 이륙 후 소형 비행기가 그 뒤를 따르며 모세 호수 상공을 비행한 후 착륙했다. 이 팀은 비행기를 개발하기 위해 세계에서 가장 많이 사용되는 중거리 비행기 중 하나인 세스나 그랜드 캐러밴의 전기 엔진을 개조했다. 비행 테스트를 위해, 전기 비행기는 이륙하여 750m까지 상승했다가 300m까지 떨어졌고 그리고 나서 25분 동안 대형 공항 시설 위를 순항했다.
비행기가 머리 위로 날아가는 것을 지켜본 사람들은 훨씬 더 작은 세스나 추격 비행기가 '두 배 더 큰 소음을 내는 것 같다'고 말했다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
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The world's largest all-electric aircraft made its maiden flight on Thursday as it flew for 30 minutes over Washington State, according to manufacturers magniX.
Commentators watching the plane as it flew over head said it was 'barely making any noise', with a much smaller Cessna chase plane 'twice as loud'.
A solo test pilot took off at 16.02 BST (08.02 PST) in the nine seater plane and flew over Moses Lake followed by a small chase plane - landing at 16.32 BST (08.32 PST).
To develop the plane the team took a Cessna Grand Caravan - one of the most used medium-range planes in the world - and retrofitted an electric engine.
For the flight test the electric plane took off and climbed to 2,500ft, dropped to 1,000ft and then spent 25 minutes cruising over the large airport facility.
For the flight test over Moses Lake in Washington State, the electric plane took off and climbed to 2,500 ft before cruising around over the facility.
The Moses Lake facility, where the electric plane was being tested, is vast and was once used as an alternate landing site for the space shuttle, said magniX. Just visible here you can see the large eCaravan with the 'chase' plane, a smaller Cessna in front
Called the eCaravan, magniX hope to be able to have a commercially available version of the plane late for sale next year - with a 100-mile range.
With nearly clear blue skies over the runway, a chase plane took off first - using a traditional engine - followed by the new electric plane.
The Moses Lake facility, where the plane was being tested, is vast and was once used as an alternate landing site for the space shuttle, said magniX.
The world's largest all-electric aircraft made its maiden flight on Thursday and stayed in the air for half an hour, according to manufacturers magniX
The smaller Cessna chase plane was making twice as much noise as the new eCaravan, according to the commentary on the live stream of the launch.
Watching the stream on Facebook, viewer Cathie Sercombe said 'never have two small dots against the sky been so mesmerizing'.
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WATCH: World's Largest All-Electric Aircraft Take Flight - Livestream