스페인, 코로나 최악의 날 VIDEO: Spain suffers its worst day for coronavirus deaths with 832 in space of 24 hours

Spain suffers its worst day for coronavirus deaths with 832 in space of 24 hours - bringing national toll to 5,690 since outbreak began

Spain has registered a new record number of coronavirus deaths in a single-day period. Pictured: Field hospital in Madrid

It beats the previous Spanish record of 769 coronavirus deaths from Friday

The number of new coronavirus cases registered in the past 24 hours is 8,000

On Monday a second makeshift morgue is due to start functioning in Madrid

Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?


PUBLISHED: 11:00 GMT, 28 March 2020 | UPDATED: 11:02 GMT, 28 March 2020


스페인, 코로나 최악의 날

 스페인은 하룻 만에 새로운 기록적인 수의 코로나바이러스 사망자를 기록했다.

오늘 아침 코비드-19로 인한 사망자 수는 832명이다.

이는 지난 금요일 스페인 기록인 769명의 코로나바이러스 사망을 넘는 수치다

현재까지 총 5,690명이 사망했다.

최근 24시간 동안 새로운 코로나바이러스 환자는 8000여 명.

스페인 보건부의 통계에 따르면, 지금까지 총 72,248명이 감염되었고, 40,630명이 병원에 입원했으며, 4,575명이 중환자로 이중 12,285명이 완치됐다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Spain has registered a new record number of coronavirus deaths in a single-day period.

The number of deaths from Covid-19 in the past 24 hours is 832, it emerged this morning.

It beats the previous Spanish record of 769 coronavirus deaths which was announced on Friday.

Spain has registered a new record number of coronavirus deaths in a single-day period. Pictured: Field hospital in Madrid

The grim statistic means 5,690 people with the virus have now died in Spain.

The number of new coronavirus cases registered in the past 24 hours is 8,000.

Spanish Ministry of Health figures show 72,248 people have been infected, 40,630 have needed to be hospitalised, 4,575 people have been admitted to intensive care and 12,285 people have been cured of the disease. 

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Spain coronavirus death count rises 769 in one day to 4,858 


