헬리포트도 있는 친환경 슈퍼 요트 VIDEO: Incredible 210ft-long prototype yacht with a helipad, swimming pool and its own submarine will be..

Incredible 210ft-long prototype yacht with a helipad, swimming pool and its own submarine will be dragged along by a huge KITE - but it doesn't have a price or launch date yet

Turkish firm Red Yacht Design has unveiled stunning concept images of its kite-driven luxury super yacht

'Ice Kite' features an on-board pool, helipad, Jacuzzi, bar, two lounges and accommodation for 10 people 

The firm has also designed an accompanying support vessel for diving missions that moves at the same speed


PUBLISHED: 15:28 GMT, 21 February 2020 | UPDATED: 15:37 GMT, 21 February 2020


수영장, 헬리포트도 있는 친환경 슈퍼 요트

  터키의 한 디자인 회사가 63m 길이의 환경 친화적인 슈퍼 요트의 놀라운 시제품을 공개했다.

레드 요트 디자인사의 매끈한 아이스 연 고급 선박은 수영장, 선베드, 헬리콥터 착륙대, 그리고 탐사 임무를 위한 잠수함을 실을 수 있는 자체 지원 보트를 갖추고 있다.

아이스 카이트(연)이라 불리우는 이 슈퍼요트는 야외 식당과 바 구역, 10명을 위한 숙박 시설, 자쿠지(물에서 기포가 생기게 만든 욕조), 그리고 자연광이 풍부한 구면 유리창도 갖추고 있다.

미래형 가족 친화적인 이 최신형 크루는  최고 시속 28km의 속도를 제공하며 735Kw 엔진을 탑재하고 있다.,이 엔진은 '마더 네이처'에서 영감을 받았다고 제작자들은 말한다.

레드 요트 디자인사는 "이 프로젝트는 아직 설계 단계에 있으며 호화 요트의 가격이나 출시 날짜가 발표되지 않았지만 올해 말 착수 예정"이라고 MailOnline에 말했다.

"주요 목표는 밀폐된 공간을 더 많은 빛과 외부와 통합하는 동시에 놀라운 전망을 보장하는 것이다,"라고 레드 요트 디자인은 웹사이트에서 말했다.

'완전한 유리 주거 공간과 넓은 외부 공간은 소유주에게 기내에서의 궁극적인 개방감을 제공한다.

레드 요트 디자인은 바다 동물들에게 영감을 받아 이미 바다에 속해 있는 듯한 느낌을 주는 요트를 만들기를 원했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

A Turkish design firm has unveiled a stunning prototype of a 210-foot-long environmentally friendly super yacht that's pulled through the waters by a kite.  

The ship is powered by two engines and a giant 1,722-square-foot parachute-style kite inspired by sailing, as well as a low resistance hull and optimum consumption of diesel engines

The sleek Ice Kite luxury vessel from Red Yacht Design features a swimming pool, sunbeds, a helicopter landing pad and its own support boat that can carry a submarine for exploration missions. 

Ice Kite also has an outdoor dining and bar area, accommodation for 10 people, Jacuzzi and an abundance of spherical glass windows for plenty of natural light.

The futuristic family-friendly global cruiser comes with a pair of 735Kw engines that provides it with a maximum speed of 20 miles per hour and is inspired by 'Mother Nature', according to its makers.

The project is still in the design phase and no price or launch date has been announced for the luxurious yacht, but construction is due to begin later this year, Red Yacht Design told MailOnline.  

Red Yacht Design, Dykstra Naval Architects and the entrepreneur owner who commissioned the design of Ice Kite will soon be starting construction of the vessel, which is inspired by mother nature and has a super-slick hull 

The support boat, the Ice Ghost (pictured), can carry a submarine and a pair of jet skis, is built according to the CE Ocean Category A classification. Considering rough sea conditions, her hull will be steel, and the superstructure will be carbon fibre for reducing the total weight

The hull is designed to be efficient over the entire speed range and features an ultra-sharp bow to cut through still and choppy waters. 

The Kite Lounge, which can be transformed into an indoor dining area, has been specially designed for providing stunning views of Ice Kite's course. The designer says one of its main design features is the use of glass that is higher than that of boats at this length

A 'beach area' at the back of the main deck has a swimming pool and more areas for lounging, sunbathing and drinking, as well as steps that lead down to the water

'The main goal is to integrate enclosed spaces with more light and exteriors while ensuring a striking outlook,' said Red Yacht Design on its website.

'Full glass living areas and spacious exteriors offer the owner the ultimate sense of openness on board.

'The owner wanted Red Yacht Design to create a yacht that feels like she already belongs to the sea, inspired by sea animals.'

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