미 육군, 개 청력 보호 첨단 군용장비 개발 VIDEO: The US Army has developed an advanced new head cover that will protect military dogs' hearing while riding in helicopters or being near loud explosions

The US Army has developed an advanced new head cover that will protect military dogs' hearing while riding in helicopters or being near loud explosions

The Canine Auditory Protection System, or CAPS (pictured above), will protect military dogs' hearing while working in loud surroundings

The Canine Auditory Protection System will protect military dogs in combat

The flexible head wrap was designed to filter loud noises and fit on any size head

Dogs have sensitive ears that can impaired even after short helicopter rides


PUBLISHED: 22:55 GMT, 22 November 2019 | UPDATED: 22:55 GMT, 22 November 2019


미 육군, 개 청력 보호 첨단 군용장비 개발

   이번 주 미 육군은 예상 밖의 대상인 개들을 위한 첨단 전투 갑옷의 새로운 제품을 발표했다.

CAPS라고 불리는 헤드 커버는 시끄러운 차량과 기계 주변에서 작업할 때 발생할 수 있는 단기 청력 손실로부터 군견을 보호하도록 설계되었다.

커버는 큰 소리를 필터링하고 머리 크기와 모양을 거의 모두 수용할 수 있도록 신축성 있는 음향 흡수 재료로 제작된다.

헬기의 짧은 비행일지라도 개의 청력에 영향을 줄 수 있어, 조종사의 명령을 듣지 못하게 되어 임무를 방해할 수 있다,'라고 육군 연구원인 스티븐 리는 말했다.

'이 새로운 기술은 임무를 수행하는 동안 이 개들을 보호하고 개의 작업 수명을 연장시킬 수 있다.'

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

This week the Army announced a new high-tech piece of combat armor intended for an unlikely subject: dogs.

Called Canine Auditory Protection System, or CAPS, the head covering is designed to protect military dogs from short-term hearing loss that can occur when working around loud vehicles and machinery.

The CAPS head cover was designed to be adaptable to a wide variety of head sizes and shapes

The covering is made from flexible acoustic absorption material that filters loud noises and can stretch or shrink to accommodate almost any head size and shape.

Even short rides on military helicopters can disrupt a dog's hearing

'Even a short helicopter flight can affect a dog’s hearing, resulting in impaired performance and inability to hear the handler’s commands, which can hinder the mission,’ Army researcher Stephen Lee said.

‘This new technology protects the canine while on missions and can extend the dog's working life.’



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