칠레 시위자들의 기발한 진압 드론 교란 작전 VIDEO: Amazing video shows protesters in Chile using dozens of pocket lasers at the same time to crash a police drone / 가슴 뭉클한 킬러 고래 오르카의 모성애 장면 포착 Touc..

Amazing video shows protesters in Chile using dozens of pocket lasers at the same time to crash a police drone


New footage from Chile shows protesters targeting a police drone with lasers

The group aim what appears to be 40 to 50 handheld lasers at the drone

Soon after being targeted, the drone falls out of the sky


PUBLISHED: 22:31 GMT, 14 November 2019 | UPDATED: 22:46 GMT, 14 November 2019


칠레 시위자들의 기발한 진압 드론 교란 작전

    이 놀라운 영상은 칠레 거리에서 시위자들이 간단한 포켓 레이저로 보이는 경찰 드론을 끌어내리기 위해 팀을 이루는 모습을 보여주었다.

이 동영상은 40에서 50대의 녹색 휴대용 레이저 무리가 머리 위를 맴돌고 있는 경찰 드론을 감시하고 있다.

공동 녹색 레이저 빔의 표적이 된 지 약 20초 후에, 이 무인기는 오작동하는 것처럼 보이고 서서히 지상으로 떨어진다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

This week, amazing video showed protesters on the streets of Chile teaming up to bring down a police drone with what appear to be simple pocket lasers.


Protesters in Chile teamed up to bring down a police drone with handheld laser beams in a viral video 

The footage shows a huge group of people aiming around 40 or 50 green handheld lasers at a police drone hovering overhead.

After about 20 seconds of being targeted by the communal green laser beam, the drone appears to malfunction and slowly falls toward the ground.

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Chile: Protesters use laser pointers against riot police


Touching drone footage reveals how 'loving' killer whales make far more physical contact with each other than scientists thought

Researchers at Hakai Institute took videos to study feeding behaviours of Orcas

They captured beasts in their undisturbed habitat, and observed day-to-day life 

Fewer than 75 animals are left in the group of southern residents studied


PUBLISHED: 17:28 GMT, 6 November 2019 | UPDATED: 17:35 GMT, 6 November 2019


슴 뭉클한 킬러 고래 오르카의 모성애 장면 포착

   놀랄만한 킬러 고래인 오르카의 유선형 모습이 드론에 의해 캐나다 브리티시 콜럼비아 해안에서포착됐다

가슴이 따뜻해지는 이 장면은 아기 고래가 꼬리로 머리를 장난스럽게 찰싹 때리기 전에 보호자인 엄마가 코를 비비는 애정 어린 순간을 보여준다.

감동적으로 이 장면은 이 사랑스러운 동물들이 어떻게 예상보다 훨씬 더 서로 신체적인 접촉을 하는지 과학자들에게 보여주었다.

하카이 연구소의 연구원들은 멸종 위기에 처한 범고래들의 먹이 활동을 연구하기 위해, 범고래들의 해안에서의 날들이 얼마 남지 않을까 걱정하면서, 영상들을 가져갔다.

그들은 방해받지 않는 서식지에서 고요한 동물들을 포획했고, 사냥 습관과 동물들 사이의 의사소통 등 전에는 보지 못했던 오르카의 일상 생활을 수중 마이크로 관찰했다.

영국 콜롬비아 해안에는 세 종류의 범고래들이 있다. - 연안 범고래, 일시적인 범고래, 그리고 거주하고 있는 범고래들이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

edited by kcontents

Incredible drone footage of a pod of Orcas has been captured off the coast of British Colombia, Canada, by scientists monitoring the endangered population.

Heart warming scenes show the moment a baby is nuzzled by its protective mother before playfully slapping her on the head with its tail.

They captured the serene beasts in their undisturbed habitat, and observed the day-to-day life of an orca

Touchingly the footage revealed to the scientists how the loving animals made physical contact with each other far more than expected. 

Researchers at Hakai Institute took the videos to study the feeding behaviours of endangered resident killer whales, fearing that the Killer whales' days on the coast might be numbered.

They captured the serene beasts in their undisturbed habitat, and observed the day-to-day life of an orca as they had never seen it before, including hunting habits and communication between the animals - captured with an underwater microphone.

The team at Hakai Institute are still analysing the data collected and believe it could take months

There are three species of killer whale off the coasts of British Colombia - offshore killer whales, transient killer whales, and resident killer whales.

The team chose to study the resident killer whales, split into a northern and southern group who are most endangered by threats to food supply.

Fewer than 75 animals are left in the group of southern residents who are now considered endangered.  

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