프랑스 EDF, 6기 원전 건설에 510억불 소요 예상 France's EDF Expects Six New Nuclear Reactors to Cost 46 Billion Euros: Le Monde

France's EDF Expects Six New Nuclear Reactors to Cost 46 Billion Euros: Le Monde

By Reuters

Nov. 9, 2019

PARIS — French power utility EDF estimates it would cost at least 46 billion euros ($51 billion) to build six of its latest generation EPR nuclear reactors if the government decides to build them, French newspaper Le Monde reported on Saturday.



프랑스 EDF, 6기 원전 건설에 510억불 소요 예상

    프랑스 EDF는 정부가 6기의 EPR원전을 결심한다면 적어도 460억유로(510억불]가 들 것이라고 말했다고 르 몽드지 토요일 보도했다.

이 추정치는 7월 말에 국가 통제 EDF 이사회에 제출된 비밀 문서에 포함되어 있다고 이 보고서는 말했다.

EDF는 로이터 통신과 접촉했을 때는 언급을 회피했었다.

르몽드는 20년 동안 한 곳에 2개의 원전을 건설하는 데 75억~78억 유로가 소요될 것이라고 보도했다.

프랑스의 EPR 모델은 EDF에 의해 건설되고 있는 최신형 원자로로, 일본의 후쿠시마 원전 붕괴 이후 정교한 엔지니어링과 강화된 안전 기능이 적용되었다.

그러나 프랑스 북부에서 건설 중인 플라만빌 EPR 원자로는 비용 초과와 일련의 기술적 문제로 인해 수년간의 지연을 초래했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

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The estimate was in a confidential document presented to the board of state-controlled EDF at the end of July, it said.

EDF declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.

Each reactor would cost 7.5 billion to 7.8 billion euros, based on building the reactors in pairs with financing over about 20 years, Le Monde reported.

The EPR model is the latest generation reactor being built by EDF, with complex engineering and enhanced safety features put in place after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan.

However, the Flamanville EPR reactor under construction in northern France has been plagued by cost overruns and a series of technical problems resulting in years of delays.


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EDF, in which the state has an 84% stake, said in October the project which began in 2006 would cost 1.5 billion euros more than previously expected, raising the total cost to 12.4 billion euros.However, the Flamanville EPR reactor under construction in northern France has been plagued by cost overruns and a series of technical problems resulting in years of delays.

EDF, in which the state has an 84% stake, said in October the project which began in 2006 would cost 1.5 billion euros more than previously expected, raising the total cost to 12.4 billion euros.

(Reporting by Leigh Thomas; Editing by Edmund Blair)


