2019년 캐나다 왕립건축학회(RAIC) 국제상 수상작 '바하이 사원' VIDEO: Baha’i Temple Santiago Building

Baha’i Temple Santiago Building

RAIC Award for Contemporary Chile Building, South America – design by Hariri Pontarini Architects

2 Nov 2019

Bahá’í Temple Chile Award

Award Winning Canadian Architecture in Chile

Design: HPA (Hariri Pontarini Architects), Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hariri Pontarini Architects’ Bahá’í Temple of South America receives the 2019 RAIC International Prize for Excellence in Architecture


2019년 캐나다 왕립건축학회(RAIC) 국제상 수상작 '바하이 사원'

   하리리 폰타리니 건축가의 시아마크 하리리가 디자인한 남아메리카의 바하이 사원은 2019년 캐나다 왕립건축학회(RAIC) 국제상 수상자이다.

2년마다 수여되는 이 세계적인 상은 "사회적 맥락 안에서 변화하고 정의, 존중, 평등, 포괄성의 인문주의적 가치를 표현하는 것으로 판단되는 건축물의 단일 작품을 기념한다. RAIC는 6개 대륙에 걸쳐 12개국으로부터 제출을 받았다.

산티아고 동쪽 끝 안데스 산맥 기슭에 위치한 이 사원은 바하아 신앙의 중심 신조인 다양성을 표현하기 위해 설계되었다. 그 사원은 내장된 빛을 영감으로 삼아, 중앙 오큘러스에 묶인 우아하게 횃불을 든 아홉 개의 날개로 구성되어 있다. 반투명 포르투갈 대리석의 내부와 주물 유리 패널의 외관을 특징으로 한 이 건물은 빛, 재료 및 표면의 매혹적인 유희로 변화한다.

일단 안으로 들어가면, 내부는 치솟는 공간. 하루 종일 변하는 부드러운 빛으로 둘러쌓인 방문객들은 조용한 사색에 앉아 서로 함께 있는 공동 행동에서 함께 나누도록 초대 받는다.

의무적으로 400년 동안 이 지진 발생 가능성이 높은 지역의 험난한 기후를 헤쳐나가는데 필요한 구조를 달성하는 것은 많은 사람들, 즉 캐나다, 미국, 유럽, 칠레의 장인들, 그리고 수많은 세계적인 자원 봉사자들의 손을 필요로 하는 특별한 과정이었다.

이 사원은 칠레 사회에서, 지역 사회 클럽, 청소년 봉사 활동 프로그램 및 공립 학교와 제휴하여 아이들의 활동을 주최하는 중요한 입지를 굳히며 발전했다. 10월 2016년에 개관한 이래로 세계의 1.7만명의 방문객을 맞이했다.

포함한 믿음을 표현하는 것, 사원 앞의 복잡한 디자인, 혁신, 지속성, 건설의 이야기 그 이상이다. 커뮤니티의 열망의 전형과 믿음은 지금도 부서진 21세기에, 우리는 인간의 갈망에 같이, 하나 다른 사진이고,에 연결할에 응할 수 있다.는 정신을 움직여 뭔가에 참여한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

Toronto — The Bahá‘í Temple of South America, designed by Siamak Hariri of Hariri Pontarini Architects, is the recipient of the 2019 Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) International Prize.


Awarded every two years, this world-renowned prize celebrates a single piece of architecture that is “judged to be transformative within its societal context and expressive of the humanistic values of justice, respect, equality, and inclusiveness.” The RAIC received submissions from twelve countries across six continents.


Set within the foothills of the Andes on the eastern edge of Santiago, the Temple is designed to express a central tenet of the Bahá’í Faith – unity in diversity. Using embodied light as its inspiration, the Temple is composed of nine, gracefully torqued wings that are bound to a central oculus. Featuring an interior of translucent Portuguese marble and an exterior of cast-glass panels, the building shifts with a mesmerizing play of light, material and surface.


Once inside, the interior is a soaring space. Bathed in soft light that changes throughout the day, visitors are invited to sit in quiet contemplation and share in the communal act of being with one another.

Achieving the structure required to weather the rugged climate of this earthquake-prone region for the mandated 400 years was an extraordinary process that involved the hands of many: artisans, engineers and craftsmen from Canada, the United States, Europe and Chile; and countless global volunteers.


The Temple has grown to hold an important place in the Chilean community, hosting community clubs, youth outreach programs, and children’s activities in partnership with public schools. Since opening in October of 2016, it has welcomed more than 1.7 million visitors from around the globe.

Expressing a faith of inclusion, the Temple is more than just a story of complex design, innovation, sustainability, and construction. It is the embodiment of a community’s aspirations and a belief that even now, in the fractured 21st century, we can respond to a human yearning to come together, to connect to one another, and to participate in something that moves the spirit.


“We are deeply grateful and honoured… This award recognizes our 14-year effort to put form to the highest of aspirations. For this, we are very thankful to the RAIC and its jury. The RAIC International Prize celebrates architecture as part of the transformation of society– promoting justice, respect, equality, and inclusiveness. This along with the global reach of this award makes this acknowledgement especially prestigious and noteworthy. Above all, our gratitude extends to the Universal House of Justice (the governing body of the Bahá’í Faith) which was our unwavering source of guidance, courage, and constancy.” – Siamak Hariri, Founding Partner, Hariri Pontarini Architects

“The architects resolve a challenging and prescriptive program for a new Bahá‘í Temple near Santiago with a powerful form that creates a new landmark – a jewel – in a dramatic natural setting… The result is timeless and inspiring, a building that uses language of space and light, form and materials, to express an interpretation of Bahá‘í philosophy and teaching that becomes universally accessible as a shared spiritual and emotional experience.” – RAIC International Prize, Jury Comment.

“A central purpose of the Bahá’í Temple in Chile is to promote the unity of humankind by gathering together people of all backgrounds in fellowship, worship and service. We are delighted that the RAIC recognized the contributions of the Temple to social transformation by honouring its architect with the 2019 International Prize.” – Geoffrey Cameron, Director of Public Affairs, Bahá’í Community of Canada

The Temple was selected from three shortlisted projects by a six-member jury after site visits to each of the shortlisted projects. Hariri Pontarini was revealed as the winner at an awards ceremony and gala on October 25th. They are the first Canadian firm to receive this prestigious award.

RAIC Promotional Video – Hariri Pontarini Architects, Bahá’í Temple of South America from Hariri Pontarini Architects on Vimeo.



