베트남 주차장에서 7마리의 죽은 새끼 호랑이 냉동된 채 발견 Seven dead tigers are found frozen in a car park in Vietnam as police arrest key wildlife trafficking suspect

Seven dead tigers are found frozen in a car park in Vietnam as police arrest key wildlife trafficking suspect


It is not known whether the dead tigers were captured from the wild or taken from a tiger farm

Nguyen Huu Hue was arrested in Hanoi, Vietnam with seven dead tigers 

Authorities do not know whether he captured cubs from the the wild

Neighbouring Laos has illegal tiger farms producing cubs for meat exports 

베트남 주차장에서 7마리의 죽은 새끼 호랑이 냉동된 채 발견

 라오스로부터 반입된 것으로 알려진 하노이의 자동차에서 발견된 수많은 냉동 호랑이 사체 밀수 용의자를 체포했다고 베트남 국영 언론이 14일(현지시간) 보도했다.

콩난단 신문은 라오스에서 수년간 동물을 밀반입한 것으로 알려진 주차장에서 죽은 호랑이 7마리가 발견돼  응우옌 후우가 2명과 함께 체포됐다고 전했다.

7마리의 호랑이는 모두 새끼로 보였다.

죽은 호랑이들이 야생에서 왔는지 아니면 아시아의 호랑이 고기 수요의 상당 부분을 공급하는 라오스의 많은 불법 호랑이 농장에서 왔는지는 즉시 밝혀지지 않았다.

베트남은 호랑이부터 코끼리 상아, 천산갑, 코뿔소 뿔까지 불법 야생동물들의 소비 중심이자 인기 있는 밀수 루트다.

일부는 베트남 내수용으로, 나머지는 중국으로 밀반입된다.

호랑이 부위는 한때 멸종위기에 처한 고양이들의 수가 급격히 줄어든 베트남에서 전통 의약이나 보석에 사용된다.

뼈는 보통 삶아서 청주와 섞어서 관절염을 치료하고 힘을 증진시키는 것으로 믿어지는 소위 정력제를 만든다.

하노이에서 밀수업자들의 체포는 이번 주 싱가포르에서 거의 9톤의 상아와 베트남으로 향하는 거대한 천산갑 비늘이 기록적으로 압수된 후 일어났다.

하노이는 오랫동안 불법 야생동물 거래를 단속하겠다고 공언해 왔지만 환경보호론자들은 약한 법 집행 덕분에 암시장이 지속되고 있다고 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 20:45 BST, 27 July 2019 | UPDATED: 21:05 BST, 27 July 2019

A haul of frozen tiger carcasses found in a car in Hanoi has led to the arrest of a key wildlife trafficking suspect, Vietnamese state media said Friday, as the country tries to tackle a well-worn smuggling route from Laos.

Nguyen Huu Hue, pictured, was arrested in Hanoi, Vietnam on suspicion of smuggling dead tigers in from Laos 

Nguyen Huu Hue, who is believed to have smuggled animals in from neighbouring Laos for years, was arrested Thursday with two other people after seven dead tigers were discovered in their vehicle at a parking lot, according to Cong An Nhan Dan newspaper.

'Hue set up a company... which sells building material as a cover for the illegal trading of tigers and wildlife,' Cong An Nhan Dan, the official mouthpiece of the Ministry of Public Security, reported.

All seven tigers appeared to be cubs, according to photos of the seizure.


Nguyen Huu Hue, pictured, was arrested in Hanoi, Vietnam on suspicion of smuggling dead tigers in from Laos 

It was not immediately clear if the dead tigers had come from the wild or from the many illegal tiger farms in Laos, which supply much of Asia's demand for tiger meat and parts.

Police have previously busted several other members of the same wildlife trafficking ring, which has been running for several years from a central province which shares a border with Laos.

Vietnam is both a consumption hub and popular smuggling route for illegal wildlife - from tigers to elephant tusks, pangolins and rhino horn.

Some of it is destined for domestic consumption in Vietnam, while the rest is smuggled on to China.

Tiger parts are used for traditional medicine or jewellery in Vietnam, where the once-large population of the endangered cats has dwindled dramatically.

Their bones are commonly boiled down and mixed with rice wine to make an elixir believed to treat arthritis and promote strength.

The smugglers' arrest in Hanoi follows a record seizure in Singapore this week of nearly nine tonnes of ivory and a huge stash of pangolin scales destined for Vietnam.

Hanoi has long vowed to crack down on the illegal wildlife trade, though conservationists say the black market persists thanks to weak law enforcement.  

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