밤(BAM) 컨소시엄-SK건설, 1조5000억원 규모 런던 실버타운 터널공사 우선협상대상자 선정 VIDEO; Bam wins €1 billion TfL Silvertown Tunnel

Bam wins €1 billion TfL Silvertown Tunnel

By Joe Sargent5 June 2019

An international consortium known as Riverlinx, has been named as the preferred bidder to deliver the Silvertown Tunnel, a £1 billion (€1.12 billion) project based in London, UK.

The consortium is made up of BAM’s public private partnerships arm BAM PPP PGGM, Aberdeen Standard Investments, Cintra, Macquarie Capital and SK Engineering & Construction.

The Silvertown Tunnel is expected to be completed in 2025


밤(BAM) 컨소시엄-SK건설, 1조5000억원 규모 런던 실버타운 터널공사 우선협상대상자 선정

올해 말 착공해 2025년 개통

SK건설, 영국 진출 첫 발판

    SK건설이 총 공사비 1조5000억원에 달하는 런던 지하터널 공사를 따내며 영국 시장 첫 진출의 발판을 마련했다.

SK건설은 영국 런던교통공사가 발주한 '실버타운 터널' 프로젝트의 우선협상대상자로 선정됐다고 7일 밝혔다. 실버타운 터널 공사는 런던 남동부 템스강 지하를 남북으로 관통하는 1.4㎞ 길이 터널과 터널 진입로(0.6㎞)로 구성된다. 공사비는 약 10억파운드(약 1조5072억원)다. 올해 말 착공해 2025년 개통하는 것이 목표다. 영국 정부는 이번 터널이 생기면 템스강 일대 교통난이 개선되고 경제 활성화 효과도 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다.

런던교통공사는 이번 프로젝트 관련 금융약정, 실시협약 등을 거친 후 SK건설과 최종 계약을 맺을 예정이다.

정순우 기자 조선일보 



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The deal will see the consortium design, build, finance and maintain a 1.4 km twin-bore tunnel, which is being constructed to relieve traffic congestion in east London and improve traffic flow at the existing Blackwall Tunnel.

Construction of the new tunnel has been commissioned by Transport for London (TfL) and is being established to provide an alternative route under the river Thames in east London.

Work on the tunnel is planned to begin later this year with the project expected to be completed in 2025.

Once completed around 37 buses an hour operating in both directions will use the crossing.

The project will also generate improvements in the areas around the tunnel, including noise barriers along the approach roads, new green spaces around the tunnel entrances and walking and cycling upgrades local streets.

The consortium must complete financial arrangements with lenders to before being awarded the project as TfL will only make a payment once the tunnel is complete.

Silvertown tunnel/New Civil Engineer

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Like the existing Blackwall Tunnel, a user charge will also be implemented on the new tunnel.

Alex Williams, director of City Planning at TfL said: “The need for more river crossings in East London, to unlock growth and give residents and businesses better access to jobs and services, has been clear for decades.

“The Silvertown Tunnel, which is vital to support London’s economy, has been designed to resolve the existing congestion problem around Blackwall, improve overall air quality and enable new cross-river bus routes to be introduced.”



