제트백 경주? VIDEO: Watch two pilots duel in the skies as startup plans world's first racing league for 2019

Jetpack racing is here! Watch two pilots duel in the skies as startup plans world's first racing league for 2019

JetPack Aviation expects to launch the first jetpack racing league by next year

The firm will invite 'qualified teams' to take part and may also include hovercrafts

In a new video, two jetpack-wearing pilots can be seen soaring above a lake 


트백 경주? 

  내년부터 제트팩 경주는 더 이상 공상과학소설의 주제가 되지 않을 것이다. 

상업적으로 이용 가능한 최초의 제트팩을 만든 회사인 제트팩 항공은 2019년에 세계 최초의 제트팩 경주 리그를 시작할 준비를 하면서 또 다른 역사적인 순간을 넘기고 있다. 

이 발표를 기념하기 위해 제트팩 항공은 제트팩 광인 두 조종사 사이의 시험 비행을 보여주는 영상을 발표했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 23:05 GMT, 31 December 2018 | UPDATED: 01:28 GMT, 1 January 2019

Starting next year, jetpack racing will no longer be the stuff of science fiction. 

JetPack Aviation, the company behind the first commercially available jetpack, is now crossing another historical moment off its list, as it prepares to launch the world's first jetpack racing league in 2019. 

To mark the announcement, the firm has released a video showing a test flight between two jetpack-wearing pilots. 

         JetPack Aviation conducted a series of tests over the last 12 months to prove that two pilots can wear jetpacks 

         in close proximity to one another without getting hurt 


The pack itself is lightweight enough to be carried by a single person 

and can reportedly fly for up to 10 minutes and reach speeds of 60 mph (96 kph).

Mounted to each side is a small engine that provides upward thrust. 

The JB-10 uses twin turbo jets which have been specially adapted, reducing 

the size compared to turbofans, which run cooler and consume less fuel.

Its inventor says it is 'inherently stable but also capable of very dynamic manoeuvres 

thanks to our approach to engine vectoring.' 

JetPack Aviation conducted a series of tests over the last 12 months to prove that two pilots can wear jetpacks in close proximity to one another without getting hurt. 

The company focused its testing around the impact of exhaust flows on other jetpacks when they're flying close together.  

          In the video, two jetpack-wearing pilots can be seen soaring and hovering over a lake, flying side by side. 

          The tests took place above a lake in Southern California

David Mayman, the firm's CEO, and test pilot Boris Jarry can be seen soaring and hovering over a lake, flying side by side and, at one point, playfully patting each other mid-air before taking off in opposite directions. 

The tests took place above a lake in Southern California, Mayman explained. 

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