미국 그린빌딩위원회(USGBC), Zero 프로젝트를 위한 LEED Zero 인증 발표 USGBC Announces LEED Zero Certification for Net Zero Projects

USGBC Announces LEED Zero Certification for Net Zero Projects

December 10, 2018 Shane Hedmond

Photo by OregonDOT, CC BY 2.0


미국 그린빌딩위원회(USGBC), Zero 프로젝트를 위한 LEED Zero 인증 발표

  미국 그린빌딩위원회(USGBC)는 올해 초 글로벌 기후조치회의에서 비공식적으로 발표한 뒤 LEED Zero 인증 목표를 공식 출범시켰다.

LEED Zero는 BD+C, ID+C, O+M 등급 시스템에 따라 인증된 모든 LEED 프로젝트와 LEED O+M 인증을 취득하기 위해 등록된 모든 LEED 프로젝트에 개방된다. LEED Zero를 달성하려면 프로젝트는 다음 특성 중 하나를 충족해야 한다.

제로 탄소 배출

제로 에너지 사용

제로 물 사용

제로 폐기물


미국 그린빌딩위원회 (US Green Building Council)에서 개발, 시행하고 있는 친환경 건축물 인증제도. 지속가능한 대지계획, 수자원의 효율성, 에너지 및 대기, 재료 및 자원, 실내환경의 질, 혁신 및 설계과정 등이 평가 대상이다.

[네이버 지식백과]

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents

After being informally announced at the Global Climate Action Summit earlier this year, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has officially launched LEED Zero to address net zero operations in buildings.

LEED/Kingspan Insulated Panels

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LEED Zero will be open to all LEED projects that are certified under the BD+C, ID+C, or O+M rating systems, as well as projects that are registered to pursue LEED O+M certification. In order to achieve LEED Zero, the project must meet one of the following characteristics:

Net zero carbon emissions

Net zero energy use

Net zero water use

Net zero waste

In addition to meeting one or more of the characteristics above, 12 months of performance data also has to be submitted for verification. By definition, “net zero” means to produce at least as much as you use.  Examples of net zero include producing renewable energy using solar panels, harvesting rainwater, or keeping waste out of landfills.


“Net zero is a powerful target that will move the entire industry forward,” said Melissa Baker, senior vice president of technical core at USGBC, in a press relase. “For years, LEED projects around the world have aspired to net zero milestones. We are recognizing the leadership of these projects—and formalizing our commitment to focusing on carbon and net zero across the entire LEED community. These new certification programs will encourage a holistic approach for buildings and places to contribute to a regenerative future and enhance the health and wellbeing for not only building occupants, but all of humanity.”



