2018 세계 최고의 도시 10..."중국 도시들 순위급락" [Power City Index 2018] Beijing and Shanghai drop sharply in global attractive cities ranking

[Power City Index 2018] 

Beijing and Shanghai drop sharply in global attractive cities ranking

Beijing and Shanghai drop sharply in global attractive cities ranking

Lagging accessibility and economy behind decline, while Tokyo stays atop Asia



ERI SUGIURA, Nikkei staff writer

October 30, 2018 12:03 JST


 2018 세계 최고의 도시 10..."중국 도시들 순위급락" 

1위~3위 런던, 뉴욕, 도쿄 

4위~6위 파리, 싱가포르, 암스테르담

서울 7위...한 계단 하락

베이징 13위에서 23위

상하이 15위에서 26위로 급락

Top 10 Cities

This year’s comprehensive ranking sees the top 5 remain unchanged from last year, with London, New York, Tokyo, Paris, and Singapore maintaining their positions. Despite slight changes in 2012 when London passed New York for #1, and 2016 when Tokyo surpassed Paris to claim the #3 spot, these cities have been included in the top 5 for ten consecutive years.

Amsterdam greatly extends its score and moves past Seoul, now ranking at #6 this year. Along with the city’s previously strong evaluation in Livability, GDP Growth Rate also rises, bringing up results in the Economy function.


Score Fluctuation of Top 5 Cities

London’s score rises as it competes alone at the top and the momentum leading to, and following, the 2012 Olympic Games continues unabated. New York displays its largest increase in score since the ranking was first published. Ranked third, Tokyo also sees continued improvement in score from 2015 onward, though attention will be focused on whether, like London, Tokyo can continue to extend its score for a long period following the 2020 Olympic Games.




