7만 5천 달러 짜리 테슬라 모델 S 원격 해킹하여 훔치는 모습 VIDEO: Shocking video shows thieves stealing a $75,000 Tesla Model S by remotely hacking the key fob

Shocking video shows thieves stealing a $75,000 Tesla Model S by remotely hacking the key fob (but then struggling to work out how to unplug it)

A pair of savvy crooks are shown driving off with a Model S in Essex, England

They use a common technique called a relay attack to quickly unlock the vehicle

Amusingly, they can't seem to figure out how to unplug the car from its charger


7만 5천 달러 짜리 테슬라 모델 S 원격 해킹하여 훔치는 모습

  한 테슬라의 주인이 한 쌍의 도둑이 7만5천불 짜리 테슬라 모델 S를 해킹하는 놀라운 장면을 올렸다.

영국 에섹스에서 한쌍의 재주좋은 사기꾼들이 테슬라 S모델을 해킹해 몰고 가는 것이 보여진다.

이들은 릴레이 공격이라는 일반적인 해킹 기술을 사용하여 차량을 신속하게 잠금 해제한다.

그런데, 그들은 충전기에서 차를 분리하는 방법을 알아내지는 못하는 것 같다

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 21:35 BST, 22 October 2018 | UPDATED: 22:00 BST, 22 October 2018

A Tesla owner has posted remarkable footage of a pair of thieves hacking their way into his $75,00 (£57,000) Model S. 

The whole debacle could have been avoided had the vehicle owner enabled a security feature recently rolled out by Tesla, called PIN to drive, which requires a driver to enter a PIN code that's displayed on the dashboard in order to drive the vehicle. Pictured is a Tesla key fob

The three-minute surveillance video shows the crooks using a tablet to pick up the signal from the owner's nearby key fob to unlock the vehicle. 

Everything seems to go off with a hitch, that is, until the high-tech hackers can't seem to figure out how to unplug the Model S from its charging station. 



