3D 프린터로 만든 가짜 치킨 VIDEO: Fake steak and some truly FOWL chicken: Spanish scientist creates 3D-printed 'meat' from peas and SEAWEED (but it's not exactly mouth-watering)

Fake steak and some truly FOWL chicken: Spanish scientist creates 3D-printed 'meat' from peas and SEAWEED (but it's not exactly mouth-watering)


Giuseppe Scionti has developed the meat-free alternatives using rice and peas 

A paste is inserted into a machine with a syringe and shaped to look like steak 

The Barcelona-based scientist has approached restaurants to serve the food


3D 프린터로 만든 가짜 치킨 

 이탈리아 출신 생명공학자 지우세페 시온티(Giuseppe Scionti)는 과 완두콩 그리고 김 등의 해조류를 섞어 3D 프린터를 사용해 고기 대체 식품인 소위 가짜 치킨을 만들어냈다.

이 반죽은 기계속에 들어가 스테이크 모양으로 나온다.

이 야채 고기는 바르셀로나 레스토랑 메뉴에도 올라가 있지만 주문을 좀더 많이 받기 위해서는 더 많은 작업이 필요하다는 것을 인정하고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Cheol Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

edited by kcontents


PUBLISHED: 16:55 BST, 28 September 2018 | UPDATED: 17:20 BST, 28 September 2018

Vegetarian steaks and chicken produced by a 3D printer are on the menu in Barcelona thanks to the efforts of an Italian scientist - but he admits more work is needed to make them look tasty on the plate.

        A piece of real chicken (left) and the 3D-printed chicken, which Italian scientist Giuseppe Scionti has described 

        as a 'fibrous plant-based' meat substitute

Giuseppe Scionti, a researcher from Milan, has developed the meat-free food using protein powder from rice or peas and components of seaweed. 

Using CAD software Mr Scionti designed a programme to turn the food products, which are inserted into a machine using a syringe, into a long micro-filament which is then shaped into a steak.

        Pictured: One of the raw steaks printed by Mr Scionti's invention. The Barcelona-based scientist said the steak 

        needed more work to look like a regular item on a restaurant menu

The product, which begins life as a 'straw-coloured paste', is said to have a similar texture to genuine steaks and is designed to combat the environmental effect of meat production.

A piece of real chicken (left) and the 3D-printed chicken, which Italian scientist Giuseppe Scionti has described as a 'fibrous plant-based' meat substitute

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