사람들이 가장 돈을 많이 쓰고 가는 나라는 Where Tourists Splash The Most Cash
Where Tourists Splash The Most Cash
by Niall McCarthy,
Sep 26, 2018
2017 was a good year for global tourism. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) published its 2018 report on international tourism trends, finding that 2017 experienced the highest growth in international tourist arrivals since 2010. That was due to a combination of factors, such as strong economic conditions, higher demand in emerging markets and the recovery of destinations suffering from security challenges. The total number of tourist arrivals last year was 1.32 billion, up 7 percent on 2016, while tourism receipts went up 5 percent to $1.34 trillion.
Houston Chronicle
사람들이 가장 돈을 많이 쓰고 가는 나라는 미국 1위 2위 스페인 3위 프랑스 태국 영국 이탈리아 호주 독일 마카오 일본 순 관광객이 가장 많이 찾는 나라는 프랑스지만 돈은 많이 쓰지 않는다는 것. |
edited by kcontents
In 2017, France was the world's most-visited country with 86.9 million arrivals, ahead of Spain's 81.8 million and the USA's 75.9 million. Some observers feared that President Trump's actions and rhetoric could deter tourists and last year, U.S. arrivals fell 3.8 percent. Despite the decline, however, spending still increased 1.9 percent to reach $210.7 billion, drastically higher than France and Spain combined.
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from Byungtae Lee @LotusCreekKR