VIDEO: Russia fire: Children killed in Kemerovo shopping centre blaze 러시아 쇼핑몰 화재 사망자 계속 늘어…"현재 64명 사망 확인"
Russia fire: Children killed in Kemerovo shopping centre blaze
At least 64 people have died in a fire that engulfed a shopping and entertainment complex in the Siberian coal-mining city of Kemerovo.
Many of the victims are children. Ten people are still listed as missing.
ABC News
edited by kcontents
러시아 쇼핑몰 화재 사망자 계속 늘어…"현재 64명 사망 확인"
건물 잔해서 시신 추가 발견
"4층 영화관 아래층으로 붕괴"
러시아 시베리아 도시 케메로보 쇼핑몰 화재 사고 사망자가 계속 늘고 있다.
소방관들이 화재 현장 잔해를 수색하면서 시신들을 추가로 발견하고 있다.
리아노보스티 통신에 따르면 화재 현장에서 직접 구조수색 작업을 지휘하고 있는
블라디미르 푸추코프 러시아 비상사태부 장관은 26일 오전(현지시간) "쇼핑몰 화재
사망자 수가 64명으로 늘었다"고 밝혔다.
(모스크바=연합뉴스) 유철종 특파원
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
The blaze started on an upper floor of the Winter Cherry complex during school holidays. The mall's shops, cinema and bowling alley were packed at the time.
Video posted on social media showed people jumping from windows to escape the flames.
"According to preliminary information, the roof collapsed in two cinemas," Russia's Investigative Committee said in a statement.
The cause of the fire is not yet known. The authorities have launched an investigation.
Four people have been detained for questioning, including the head of the company that manages the shopping centre, according to the Investigative Committee. The owner of the Winter Cherry complex is among those being held.
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