뇌가 사고하는 순간 Remarkable video reveals 'why we say things before we think'
Watch a fleeting thought race across the surface of the brain in less than a second: Remarkable video reveals 'why we say things before we think'
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1.노란색: 자극
2.적색 :언어
3.청색: 반응 순으로
캘리포니아 버클리대에서 분석
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator
Experts at the University of California, Berkeley, tracked the path of singular thoughts through people's minds as they underwent open brain surgery. Electrodes were hooked directly to the surface of each patient's brain, taking readings while they completed a simple call-and-response task. The scans show clearly how the brain acts in response to sight and sounds, which scientists say could explain 'why we say things before we think'. The researchers said the recordings could help us better understand how the brain's frontal lobe - known as the prefrontal cortex - coordinates activity like a conductor. Experts asked people to repeat the word 'humid'. The brain's language centre is shown lighting up (yellow in lett image) as it received the word, while a bit of cortex (blue in left image) then fires as the brain plans a response. The prefrontal cortex (red in left image) informed the response (right image) before it was given.
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