이제부터 감자 자르는법을 바꿔야 할 듯 VIDEO: Slice the spud at 30-degree angles to increase its surface area and make it extra crispy, say researchers

Science behind the perfect roast potato: Slice the spud at 30-degree angles to increase its surface area and make it extra crispy, say researchers

Cutting the spud diagonally increases surface area by 65%, researchers said

Researchers found the 'edge cut' was tastier, crunchier and looked better

The traditional cut has long been touted by chefs such as Heston Blumenthal

이제부터 감자 자르는 법을 바꿔야 할 듯

지금까지 수직 직각으로만 자르던 감자를 30도 정도로 기울여 자르면

65%나 더 넓은 면을 가지고 감자 요리를 할 수 있다고 과학자들이 밝혀냈다..

또한 더 맛이 있고 바삭바삭하고 보기에도 좋다는 것도 알아냈다

기존의 감자 자르는 방법은 그동안 더 팻 덕의 헤드 셰프인 헤스톤 블루멘탈에 

의해 선호되어 왔다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator


PUBLISHED: 16:51 GMT, 16 January 2018 

No Sunday roast is complete without a generous helping of roast potatoes -  and many people have opinions on how to get the perfect spud.

Now, researchers say slicing the potato at a 30-degree angle is the secret to success.

'An added bonus was that the new technique allowed you to be creative with presentation', researchers found (pictured)

The 'edge cut' is tastier, crunchier and looks better than the traditional cut which has long been touted by chefs such as Heston Blumenthal, researchers found.

Cutting the spud diagonally increases its surface area by 65 per cent and makes it extra crispy, they claim.

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