러시아, 1주일 자는데 4백억짜리 우주 호텔 건립 추진 VIDEO: Russia wants to build a five-star luxury HOTEL on the International Space Station by 2022

Now that's a room with a view! Russia wants to build a five-star luxury HOTEL on the International Space Station by 2022 (but it will cost £30 million for a one week stay)

Russian space agency, Roscosmos, has begun reviewing plans for the hotel

Four private cabins, measuring two cubic metres each, will have large portholes

Visitors will be offered the opportunity to take part in space walks on the ISS

Tourists will be charged £30 million ($40m) per person for a 1-2 week stay

  러시아가 2022년까지 럭셔리 5성급 우주 호텔 건설을 추진하고 있다.

러시아 우주청 '로스코스모스'가 검토하기 시작했으며 

호텔의 구조는 각 2m3 공간을 가진 4개의 개인룸에는 큰 둥근 창문이 달려있다.

방문객들은 ISS 우주선 위에서 우주 걷기에도 참여할 수 있으며

하지만 여행자들은 1~2주간 이용하는데 4천만불(4백억원)을 지불해야 한다.

우주에서 자는 댓가 치고는 매우 비싼 듯하다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator

By Ellie Zolfagharifard for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 14:19 GMT, 22 December 2017

Russia wants to welcome space tourists to the International Space Station (ISS) by 2022.

The nation's space agency,  Roscosmos, is currently reviewing plans for a five-star hotel onboard the space station.

The 'luxury orbital suite' will feature four private cabins, measuring two cubic metres each, with personal portholes so tourists can look down on Earth. 

A graphic of what the exterior of the space module could look like.  The 'luxury orbital suite' will feature four private cabins, measuring two cubic metres each, with personal portholes so tourists can look down on Earth

But a stay won't come cheap. Tourists will be charged £30 million ($40 million) per person for a one to two week visit.

An extended month-long visit will set travelers back an additional $15 million ($20 million).

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