네덜란드 어떻게 세계2위 푸드 수출국이 됐나 VIDEO: How the Netherlands became the second biggest exporter of food in the world despite being small and overcrowded
Stunning images reveal the hi-tech future of farming: How the Netherlands became the second biggest exporter of food in the world despite being small and overcrowded
More than half of the country's land area is used for agriculture
The nation is the number one tomato producer in the world
The country's greenhouses cover an area larger than Manhattan
The goal is to produce more food, with less land and resources
That's because by 2050, Earth's population will reach 10 billion
A sea of greenhouses surrounds a farmer’s home in the Westland region of the Netherlands. The Dutch have become world leaders in agriculturalinnovation, pioneering new paths to fight
네덜란드는 어떻게 해서 작은 나라임에도 세계 2위의 푸드 수출 국가가 됐을까?
영토의 절반이 농업지이며
토마토, 세계 1위 생산 국가.
이 나라의 농업용 그린하우스는 미국 맨하튼보다도 더 큰 면적을 차지한다.
목표는 적은 땅과 자원을 가지고 더 많은 푸드를 생산하는 것.
감자, 채소, 과일 등이 네덜란드의 주력 수출품
이 모든 것은 세계 최첨단 농업기술 보유 덕분.
2050년이 되면 지구의 인구는 100억명이 된다.
현재 인구는 75억명으로 30%가 넘게 증가한다.
세계 최대 농업국가의 원천인 푸드밸리 source regiofoodvalley.nl
세계 농산품 수출국 2위 네덜란드, 그 답은 푸드밸리에 있다
네덜란드의 10대 수출 품목
- Machinery including computers: US$81.7 billion (14.4% of total exports)
- Electrical machinery, equipment: $71.3 billion (12.5%)
- Mineral fuels including oil: $64.6 billion (11.3%)
- Pharmaceuticals: $29.5 billion (5.2%)
- Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $26.9 billion (4.7%)
- Vehicles: $24.7 billion (4.3%)
- Plastics, plastic articles: $23.1 billion (4.1%)
- Organic chemicals: $18.8 billion (3.3%)
- Iron, steel: $11.8 billion (2.1%)
- Live trees, plants, cut flowers: $9.9 billion (1.7%)
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Netherlands Top 10 Exports
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
By Cecile Borkhataria For Dailymail.com
A new feature by National Geographic explores why the Netherlands is the world's number two exporter of food, second just the US, which has 270 times the landmass of the small European nation.
The images, from the September issue of National Geographic Magazine, show how the Netherlands' innovative agricultural industry aims to feed the world's growing population, which is expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, up from today's 7.5 billion.
With innovations such as driverless tractors and quadcopter drones that measure soil chemistry, water content, and growth, it's no surprise that the Netherlands is paving the way towards feeding the world.
With demand for chicken increasing, Dutch firms are developing technology to maximize poultry production whileensuring humane conditions. This high tech broiler house holds up to 150,000 birds, from hatching to harvesting
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