예술작품 같은 노르웨이 외양간 Farmer Spends 7 Years Building Incredible Spiral Ramp to His Barn

Farmer Spends 7 Years Building Incredible Spiral Ramp to His Barn

By Jessica Stewart on August 18, 2017

Photo: Oddleiv Apneseth

  노르웨이 발달의 예술작품 같은 아름다운 나선형 외양간

주인은 이 곳간을 완성하는데 무려 7년간이나 소비했다.

1885년에 완성됐으며 노르웨이의 역사적인 외양간 2014년판 

책에 수록되면서일약 유명해졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

This beautiful barn in Valldal, Norway is an incredible feat of amateur engineering featuring a stone ramp spiraling out from the hay loft. With the barn completed in 1885, one farmer spent the next seven years constructing the grassy ramp, which gained greater attention when the work was published in a 2014 book about Norway's historic barns.

Lars Petter Olsen Valldal was both a farmer and lover of design who went to great lengths to customize his barn. He used rocks from a nearby hill, which he either transported by hand, by sliding the rocks on cowhide, or by using a custom built sled for larger pieces. The archway visible close to the barn was necessary, as an access road to other farms cut through the property.

If that weren't enough, Olsen Valldal even designed and constructed a crane device to lift the heavy pieces into place. It's said that he enjoyed tinkering with his inventions more than farming, leaving the agricultural work to his wife while he toyed with his designs. Of course, most of what he created went back into increasing the farm's productivity. Aside from the ramp, which would have allowed quick storage access, he also created a machine to help spread manure and designed a system of ditches around his fields to optimize irrigation.

barn in valldal norway

Photo: BestNorwegian



