세상의 끝에서 사는 시베리아 종족 VIDEO: Life on the edge of the world: Inside the remote Siberian tribe that survives in -50C temperatures on a diet of raw reindeer meat

Life on the edge of the world: Inside the remote Siberian tribe that survives in -50C temperatures on a diet of raw reindeer meat

The Nenets are a tight-knit nomadic people living in the Yamal-Nenets region on the outskirts of Russia

They live in reindeer-hide teepees, dress in reindeer fur clothes and eat raw reindeer meat to survive

Each year they migrate more than 1,000 miles on hand-made, wooden sledges following thier herd

  섭씨 영하 50도에서도 생존하는 지구 끝 동토에 살고 있는 시베리아족.

이들이 바로 네네츠인이다.

네네츠인들은 유대가 돈독한 유목민족으로 러시아 외곽의 야말 네네츠 

지역에 살고 있다.

그들은 순록의 가죽으로 만든 원뿔형 천막과 옷을 입고 지내며 

생 순록고기를 주식으로 한다.

손으로 직접 만든 나무썰매를 타고 매년 1,600km을 이동한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Annabel Fenwick Elliott for MailOnline

PUBLISHED: 09:38 BST, 28 July 2017

New footage and photos have emerged of a very old and far-flung tribe.

The Nenets are a tight-knit nomadic people living in the Yamal-Nenets region - a name which translates to 'edge of the world' - on the outskirts of Russia, where temperatures can drop to an eyeball-freezing -50C.

Living in reindeer-hide teepees, dressed in reindeer fur clothes, eating raw reindeer meat and sacrificing the animals to the gods of their ancient religion, they migrate more than 1,000 miles each year on hand-made, wooden sledges.

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