장애 다리에 여행지 이름이...Woman Turns Prosthetic Leg Into Chalkboard to Creatively Caption Her Travel Photos

Woman Turns Prosthetic Leg Into Chalkboard to Creatively Caption Her Travel Photos

  최근에 레디터인 데브갈은 4,5주짜리 유럽여행을 다녀왔다,

많은 여행자들이 그렇듯이 그녀도 스냅사진을 통해서 그녀의 여행을 기록했다.

하지만 데브갈의 여행 사진은 좀 독특하다.

그녀는 우측 무릎아래가 없는 중증 장애를 가고 있지만 자신의 여행지 이름을 

기록해 사진을 찍을 수 있도록 독창적인 아이디어로 장애 다리에 보드를 설치했다.

여행지마다 각기 다른 색의 보드를 사용했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor

By Kelly Richman-Abdou on July 6, 2017

Recently, Redditor devgal took a four-and-a-half-week trip across Europe. Like many young travelers, she documented her holiday through snaps that show her smiling in front of major monuments and tried-and-true tourist attractions. Unlike other sightseers, however, devgal's photos feature a unique prop: a “chalkboard leg.”

According to a past post on Reddit, when devgal was a child, a congenital bone disease rendered her right foot useless. So, at the young age of 4, it was amputated, and she's since relied on a prosthetic leg to get around. Though this condition has at times made mobility difficult, she has made the most of the situation, as evident in her latest creative project. For her big trip, she decided to spray paint her artificial limb, transforming it into a chalkboard and unexpectedly making it the perfect photo accompaniment.

Using different colored chalk, devgal wrote the names of the cities and sites she visited. In each location, she would pose for a picture with her prosthetic prominently in view, turning it into a clever and creative way to caption her photos. In most pictures, the “chalkboard leg” is attached to her body. In some, however, like her snaps from Brussels and Munich, she proudly holds it up. And, in a particularly funny photograph taken in a Dublin pub, some new friends present it to the camera as she sips her pint.

Devgal shared the now-viral series on Reddit. In addition to showcasing her unique take on chalkboard art, she's also used the post to answer users' questions and share travel tips. Check out the original post to see the series and learn more about devgal's inspiring and imaginative project.

During a trip to Europe, Reddit user devgal put a unique twist on chalkboard art when she transformed her prosthetic leg into a creative and colorful “chalkboard leg.”

Chalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel Devgal

Chalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel DevgalChalkboard Leg Chalkboard Art Prosthetic Leg Travel Devgal

h/t: [Reddit]

All images via devgal. 



