회전익 정지상태로 이륙하는 헬리콥터. The astonishing 'magic helicopter' that appears to fly without using its rotors: VIDEO
The astonishing 'magic helicopter' that appears to fly without using its rotors (but it's just an optical illusion)
Video shows helicopter lifting off the pad while its rotors appear to stay still
The phenomenon boils down to the camera’s shutter speed and frame rate
When frame rate synchronizes with rotation, spinning objects appear still
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황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor
A bizarre video shared on YouTube today appears to show a helicopter hovering ‘magically’ above the pad, climbing higher and higher as its blades remain almost completely still. But, all is not as it seems. The strange phenomenon boils down to the camera’s shutter speed and frame rate, which can distort the appearance of spinning objects when synchronized.