종이가 나무를 자른다? [VIDEO] A Sheet of Copier Paper Can Actually Cut a Piece of Wood


  종이를 올바로만 사용할 수 있다면 나무도 자를 수 있다. 

가벼워 날리지만 접으면 아주 강하게 된다.

그러면 톱에 종이를 끼워 나무가 잘리는지 시험해보자


John Hiesz of I Build It recently performed that exact experiment and put it on Youtube for all the world to see.  With the power of the table saw behind the paper, the single piece of standard printer paper was not only powerful enough to slice through some other sheets of paper, but it also made pretty quick work of other pieces of cardboard and a thin piece of wood.  John did mention on I Build It’s website that some of the video is sped up as much as 16 times the actual speed, so it’s not a quick cut, but it’s still pretty impressive what paper can actually do.  As you’ll see in the video below, the paper was able to cut partially through the thicker piece of wood, but was ultimately overpowered. Hiesz also mentioned that the paper was not able to cut anything harder than wood, after trying to cut aluminum.

Enjoy the video!

