지구에서 가장 오래 살아있는 것 9,550-Year-Old Tree Discovered in Sweden is the World's Oldest Individual Clonal Tree(VIDEO)

9,550-Year-Old Tree Discovered in Sweden is the World's 

Oldest Individual Clonal Tree

Above photo by Karl Brodowsky on Wikimedia

나무는 지구에서 가장 오래 생존하고 있는 생물체다.

듬성듬성 자란 가문비나무도 예외는 아니다.

올드 티코라고 불리우는 4.8m 높이의 이 노르웨이 나무는 스웨덴의 풀루피아엘레 

국립공원  정상에서 자라고 있다.

2004년에 발견된 이 나무는 방사성 탄소 연대 측정법에 의하면 9,550년이라는 

놀라운 수명을  자랑하고 있어 인류의 역사를 넘나들고 있다.

* 클론 Individual Clonal Organisms
모세포의 특성을 이어 받는 자식 세포
세상의 모든 동식물을 아우르는 개념이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Kristine Mitchell

Trees are some of the longest living organisms on earth, and this scraggly spruce is no exception. The ancient 16-foot-tall Norwegian tree grows high atop the Fulufjället Mountain in Sweden and goes by the name of Old Tjikko (named after the discovering geologist's dog). While this little shrub may not look like much, carbon dating of its root system has revealed that Old Tjikko it is actually a mind-boggling 9,550 years old. This means that its wizened bark and timeworn branches have seen thousands of years of human history come and go.

Discovered in 2004, this particular spruce comes from a species that traditionally decorated European homes during Christmas time, and is the planet’s longest-living identified plant. The incredible longevity of the plant actually stems from its intricate root system and ability to clone itself. While the trunk may only live around 600 years, as soon as that portion dies off, a new one emerges from the very same root stock, allowing it to continually regenerate.

For thousands of years, the frigid Tundra climate has kept Old Tjikko to a petite shrub; however, as weather has warmed over the past 100 years, the shrub has grown into a full-fledged tree that now stands proudly, having outlived so much else on this earth

Photo by Leif Kullman

Photo by Carkrull on Wikimedia

Photo by Karl Brodowsky on Wikimedia

via [Atlas Obscura]



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