푹 잤는데 왜 피곤하지? Why Am I So Tired? 10 Possible Causes of Fatigue
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성인은 하루에 7~8시간은 자야 한다. 잠을 제대로 못 자면 피곤하고 집중력이 떨어진다. 그런데 잠을 충분히 자고 푹 쉬었는데도 피로감이 좀처럼 없어지지 않을 때가 있다. 이런 일이 자주 일어나면 그 원인을 알아볼 필요가 있다. 다음은 미국의 건강, 의료 포털 ‘웹 엠디’가 소개한 여러 가지 원인들이다. 영양분 부족 너무 적게 먹거나 영양분이 부족한 음식을 먹으면 피로감을 느낀다. 음식을 균형 있게 먹어 혈당을 알맞게 유지해야 피로감을 없앨 수 있다. 단백질과 복합 탄수화물이 고르게 포함된 아침을 먹는 게 좋다. 카페인 과다 섭취 카페인은 적당히 섭취하면 집중력과 긴장 상태를 유지하게 한다. 하지만 너무 많이 먹으면 심박 수와 혈압 등을 높일 뿐만 아니라 피로감을 초래한다는 연구결과가 있다. 탈수증 피로감은 몸에 물이 부족하다는 신호일 수 있다. 목이 마를 때는 이미 탈수 현상이 일어나고 있다. 적어도 한 시간에 물 2잔을 마시고, 육체 활동을 하기 전에는 더 많은 물을 마시는 게 좋다. 수면 무호흡증 코골이 등으로 인해 자는 동안 호흡이 잠시 멈추는 상태가 될 수 있다. 이때마다 잠을 깨게 되고 당사자는 이를 알아채지 못한다. 많이 잔 것 같아도 실제 잠잔 시간은 짧을 수밖에 없다. 빈혈 여성들이 피로감을 느끼는 가장 큰 원인 중 하나가 빈혈이다. 월경 때는 출혈로 인해 몸속 철분이 결핍되기 쉽다. 빈혈을 막기 위해서는 철분 보충제와 살코기, 간, 조개류, 콩 등 철분이 풍부한 음식을 섭취해야 한다. 우울증 정신적인 장애뿐 아니라 여러 가지 신체적 증상을 초래한다. 피로감, 두통, 식욕 부진이 대표적 증상이다. 갑상샘기능저하증 갑상샘은 몸속 신진대사 작용을 관장한다. 갑상샘 기능이 떨어질 경우, 쉽게 지치고 살이 찔 수 있다. 당뇨병 당뇨환자의 혈액 속에는 당이 많이 들어 있다. 당이 체세포로 들어가 에너지로 전환돼야 하지만 잘 되지가 않는다. 따라서 많이 먹어도 몸에서는 에너지가 생기지 않고, 설명하기 힘든 피로감에 시달리게 된다. 심장병 집안청소 등 가벼운 일에도 피로감을 느낀다면 심장에 문제가 있다는 신호일 수 있다. 위탁수행기관인 감정원의 요청이 있을 때도 정밀조사를 허용하자고 제안했다. 코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com) |
Why Am I So Tired? 10 Possible Causes of Fatigue
When it's time to see a doctor about your exhaustion -- and what to try first.
By Gina Shaw
WebMD FeatureReviewed by Laura J. Martin, MD
Do you feel tired all the time? Lots of people do. It's a sign of our overbooked times.
Getting your energy back could be simpler than you think. Start by seeing if you can relate to the top three reasons for feeling drained
Top 3 Reasons
The most common reasons for feeling tired are about daily habits.
1. What you eat. Reaching for caffeine and sugar can backfire, leaving you more fatigued as your blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly. Instead, go for a balanced, healthy diet replete with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. "Most people feel like they're less tired if they eat a healthy diet," says J. Fred Ralston Jr., MD, past president of the American College of Physicians. "Eating healthy also means you'll carry less weight, and obesity is a big contributor to fatigue.
2. How much you sleep. You saw this one coming, right? Many people don't get enough sleep. If you're one of them, avoid caffeine and alcohol in the hours just before bedtime, turn off the TV before bed, and keep your bedroom quiet and restful.
3. How much you exercise. This is the biggie, Ralston says. His favorite prescription for plain old tiredness is regular, vigorous exercise. Finish at least three hours before bedtime, so you have time to wind down.
If you think that exercise would just make you more tired, there's good news: Exercise breeds energy. Almost all the studies that have looked at this question have found the same thing: Sedentary people who start exercising feel much less fatigue than those who stay idle. It's one of those surprising truths: move more and you'll get more energy.
Ralston recommends getting 40 minutes of exercise at least four days a week, to get you going.
Do that, and a month from now, you should notice some improvement. Keep with it for three to six months more, and you should feel much better.
If you follow your exercise prescription for at least a month -- and you're also making enough time for sleep -- and you're still feeling lousy, look into other causes, Ralston advises.
Could It Be Something Else?
The most common reasons for feeling so tired all the time are those we've just discussed. Don't start thinking that you've got a medical condition until you've tried those strategies and really given them a chance.
If you still feel exhausted, you'll need to check with your health care provider to look into it. Chronic tiredness is linked to many different medical conditions, such as:
4. Anemia. "This is a very common cause of fatigue and very easy to check with a simple blood test," says Sandra Fryhofer, MD, an Emory University clinical associate professor of medicine. "It's particularly a problem for women, especially those who are having heavy menstrual periods." You can remedy anemia with an iron-rich diet, heavy in meats and dark, leafy greens, or supplements if you have a chronic iron deficiency.
5. Deficiencies in key nutrients, such as potassium. Again, this is easily checked with blood testing.
6. Thyroid problems. Over- and under-active thyroids both can cause fatigue , Fryhofer says. A blood test for your level of thyroid-stimulating hormone can help evaluate your thyroid function.
7. Diabetes. People who have uncontrolled diabetes "just plain don't feel good," Fryhofer says. "If you feel draggy and you're also having blurred vision or lots of urination, you should get that checked with a blood test."
8. Depression. If your feelings of exhaustion are accompanied by sadness and loss of appetite, and you just can't find any pleasure in things you once enjoyed, you may be depressed. Don't keep that to yourself. Your doctor, or a therapist, can start you on the path back to feeling better.
9. Sleep problems. If you never feel rested, and nothing seems to fix that, you might look into visiting a sleep lab, especially if you snore. Snoring can be part of obstructive sleep apnea, in which people briefly stop breathing several times a night. There are treatments for that.
10. Undiagnosed heart disease. Tiredness can be a sign of heart trouble, particularly in women, Ralston says. "If you have trouble with exercise you used to do easily, or if you start feeling worse when you exercise, this could be a red flag for heart trouble. If you have any doubts, see your doctor."
But again, start with the basics: your sleep, your diet, and your activity level. Sometimes the simplest fixes are all it takes.
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