F-35B 실전배치 임박...4세대는 저리가! Watch the $3.5bn F-35 stealth jet fire its hidden 'wing cannons'(VIDEO)
Watch the $3.5bn F-35 stealth jet fire its hidden 'wing cannons' (but it won't have the software to fire them in the air until 2019)
An F-35A, at Edwards AFB, Calif., is pictured with its F-35 Systems Development and Demonstration
Weapons Suite the aircraft is designed to carry. The F-35 can carry more than 35-hundred pounds of
ordnance in Low Observable (stealth) mode and over 18-thousand pounds uncontested.
The F-35 stealth jet has already cost the military more than $350billion
Video shows cannons firing on the ground
However, believed software needed to operate them not ready until 2019
In a mock battle it was outperformed by an F-16 designed in the 1970s
F-35 스텔스기는 3군 통합(JSF) 전투기 개발기종으로 이미 3500억불 투입.
F-35, 5세대 센서융합·HMDS 통해 "뜨자마자 격추 가능"
날개에 달린 캐논포 지상에서 테스트...관련 프로그램은 2019년이나 되어야
70년대에 개발된 F-16과의 가상 대결에서 져
지난 5월 18일 야간, 미 해병대 소속 F-35B 라이트닝II 전투기 6대가 미 동부 해상에 위치한 와스프(WASP) 상륙함에서 F-35B 작전운용시험 (OT-1)의 최초 함상시험을 2주간에 걸쳐 실시했다.
F-35B는 3가지 종류 F-35 전투기중 최초로 작전가능(IOC: Initial Operation Capability)선언할 전망이다. 이에 따라 F-35B는 미 해군 상륙강습함에 배치 가장먼저 실전 배치된다.
그동안 F-35B의 개발지연이 전체 JSF계획의 큰 차질을 빚어 왔다. F-35B가 이번 IOC선언을 거쳐 정상적 일정으로 실전배치가 된다면 다른 F-35 개발에 탄력받을 것으로 예상된다.
그동안 노출됐던 모든 F-35는 시험용 또는 훈련용 기체였다면 9월부터는 실전배치형 기체가 등장하면서 논란의 쟁점이었던 성능논란의 종지부를 찍을 전망이다.
대한민국 공군의 차기전투기로 선택된 F-35A(공군형)는 내년 8월 IOC 선포를 앞두고 올해 9월 첫 작전용 F-35A가 선보이게 된다.
F-35는 2020년까지 한국을 포함한 7개국에 651대가 인도될 전망이다.
F-35 실전 배치기체, 4세대 전투기 비교할 수 없는 ‘넘사벽’ 성능
F-35는 5세대기의 성능적 부분을 제외한 일반적 성능에서 F-16등 4세대기를 압도하는 성능을 지녔다. F-35의 뛰어난 성능은 비슷한 체급으로 분류되는 F-16과 비교하면 한눈에 알 수 있다. 먼저 엔진추력부터 남다르다.
프랫 앤 휘트니사 만든 ‘F135 엔진’은 4만,파운드의 추력을 내지만 F-16은 GE F110엔진을 통해 2만9,000 파운드의 추력을 낸다. F-35의 최대속도는 마하 1.62로 아직 프로그램으로 제한해 둔 상태다. 스텔스기술이 최적화가 끝나면 속도나 최대상승율은 증가될 것으로 전망된다.
F-35는 무장탑재량에서도 F-16과 상대가 안된다. F-35는 스텔스 상태에서 5,200파운드 무장을 장착한다. 비 스텔스 작전시 1만8,000파운드의 무장을 할 수 있다. 이는 8.1톤에 달하는 탑재량이다. 반면 F-16은 최대 무장중량이 7.1톤이다.
연료탑재량도 F-35가 월등하다. F-35는 1만 8,100 파운드의 제트유를 내장한다. 그러나 F-16은 7,162파운드를 탑해 F-35의 절반에도 못 미친다. 이는 항속 거리차이로 나타난다. 전투행동반경(기본무장)을 보면 F-35는 1,093km의 거리를 공중급유 없이 타격할 수 있다. F-16은 360km에 불과해 제대로 된 전투를 하려면 보조연료 탱크와 공중급유가 필수다.
F-35 5세대 센서융합과 HMDS로 '도그파이트' 이전 격추
결국, F-16전투기는 스텔스 상태에서 긴 항속거리를 가진 F-35를 만나면 구경도 못하고 격추되거나 퇴각해야 하는 것이다. 게다가 5세대 전투기의 특징인 각종 센서융합을 이용한 전자전 감시능력을 포함한다면 두말 할 것 없는 완승이다.
이른바, 서로 엉겨붙는 ‘근접 공중전(도그파이트)’같은 상황이 발생하기 전에 승부가 끝난다는 뜻이다
센서융합은 여러 경로로 수신된 정보를 통합해 전투환경에 대한 일관한 시야를 제공하는 것을 뜻한다.이같은 능력을통해 F-35는 전장의 모든 정보를 최대한 수집 분석하고 반대로, 자신의 정보노출을 최대한 늦춘다는 장점이 있다.
통합된 정보는 HMDS(헬멧 탑재형 디스플레이 시스템, Helmet Mounted Display System)투시되 조종사에 전달된다. F-35는 공격에서도 HMDS를 통해 공중전시 F-35 기수가 적기를 향하지 않아도 미사일 공격이 가능하다.
전투기의 정보, 감시 그리고 정찰적(ISR)인 측면에서 보았을 때, F-35가 적의 방공망을 감지되지 않고 침투할 수 있는 동시 장시간 동안 영공에서 머물 수 있는 충분한 연료와 넓은 반경을 지니고 있다.
이를 통한 전투공간의 실시간 중요정보를 아군의 육/해/공군에 전달할 수 있으며, 모든 전장 반경에 있어 효율적으로 전투를 할 수 있는 능력을 부여해 준다. 이 능력은 F-35가 한국 공군 뿐 만이 아닌 육군과 해군에게도 전력승수로 작용을 의미한다.
F-35는 이미 145대가 제작된 상태다. 현재 88대의 F-35가 포트워스 소재 록히드마틴 공장에서 생산 중에 있고, 전세계적으로 110대가 생산 중에 있다.
뉴데일리 순정우 기자 sjw@newdaily.co.kr
Scroll down for Videos
First look at F-35's controversial hidden wing cannons firing
See through the eyes of an F-35 fighter pilot's high tech helmet
Paralyzed woman flies F-35 fighter jet using her mind
It was embarrassingly outperformed by a 40-year-old F-16 jet in a dogfight.
But now video reveals that the $350bn F35 really does pack some firepower - with 25mm cannons hidden inside its wings.
However, there is just one problem - the software update needed to fire them in the air won't be ready until 2019.
The mechanical marvels can be seen rising and shooting rounds - complete with smoke and flames.
However, the plane remains resolutely grounded.
The F-35, in its full configuration with software known as a 'Block 3F' version, is designed to carry a suite of internal and external weapons,
including the GPS-guided Joint Direct Attack Munition, laser-guided Paveway II bomb, Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile and infrared Sidewinder missile.
However,according to the Daily Beast, this update won't happen until 2019.
'There will be no gun until [the Joint Strike Fighter's Block] 3F [software], there is no software to support it now or for the next four-ish years,' one Air Force official affiliated with the F-35 program told the site.
'Block 3F is slated for release in 2019, but who knows how much that will slip?'
Underpinning the F-35’s unrivaled capabilities is more than 8 million lines of software code – more than four times the amount of the world’s first 5th generation fighter, the F-22 Raptor
Recently the Pentagon and Lockheed Martin have leapt to the defence of the expensive F-35 stealth jet after a mock air battle was held over the Pacific Ocean between the cutting-edge F-35 - meant to be the most sophisticated jet ever - and an F-16, which was designed in the 1970s.

Complex: The six infrared cameras placed around the plane means that when the pilot looks down, they see the world below them in their visor - and can target weapons
But according to the test pilot, the F-35 is still too slow to hit an enemy plane or dodge gunfire.
So far, it has cost the US military more than $350billion.
Now its producers have hit back - saying the aircraft used in the test was not equipped to the same standard of its front-line aircraft - and did not have its 'stealth coating'.

Head-to-head: The F-35 (background) and the F-16 (foreground) recently took to the skies in a dogfight to determine how the highly-anticipated F-35 compares to its predecessor
In a statement released online, the Joint Program Office claimed the aircraft did not have the software needed to use its sensors to locate its enemy.
'Second, AF-2 does not have the special stealth coating that operational F-35s have that make them virtually invisible to radar.
'And third, it is not equipped with the weapons or software that allow the F-35 pilot to turn, aim a weapon with the helmet, and fire at an enemy without having to point the airplane at its target.'
The dogfight, which was staged in January near Edwards Air Force Base, California, was designed to test the F-35's ability in close-range combat at 10,000 to 30,000 feet.
Both the F-35 pilot and the F-16 pilot were attempting to 'shoot down' the other.
But, according to the F-35 pilot's report, which has only recently been made public, the jet performed so appallingly that he deemed it completely inappropriate for fighting other aircraft within visual range.

'Flying computer': U.S. military leaders have extoled the virtues of the F-35 jets, which are intended to 'combine advanced stealth capabilities with fighter aircraft speed and agility'
He reported that the F-35 – designed by Lockheed Martin – was at a 'distinct energy disadvantage for every engagement' despite the F-16 being weighed down by two drop tanks for extra fuel.
The F-35 pilot reported a number of aerodynamic problems, including 'insufficient pitch rate' for the jet's nose while climbing - resulting in the plane being too cumbersome to dodge enemy fire.
He said that a half-million-dollar custom-made helmet that gives pilots a 360-degree view outside the plane meant he was unable to comfortably move his head inside the cramped cockpit.
This meant the F-16 could approach from behind without him noticing.
'The helmet was too large for the space inside the canopy to adequately see behind the aircraft,' he wrote in the five-page brief.
The F-35 jet was one of the most highly anticipated advancements in military history.
However a series of setbacks has delayed production by up to eight years and put it $263billion over budget so far.
The spiralling costs are due to a number of factors, including engine problems that caused one jet to burst into flames during take-off last May.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, who is in charge of the F-35 programme, said the planes had been plagued by simple mistakes. These included everything from wingtip lights that did not meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) standards to tires that could not cope with the landings.

Britain's baby: This F-35 is intended for use by the RAF, although an official said it won't be ready for years
But military bosses have been quick to extol the virtues of the stealth multirole fighter, which is predicted to be vastly superior to its fourth-generation predecessors.
Marine Lt Gen. Robert Schmidle said the planes were like flying computers and that they could detect an enemy five to 10 times faster than the enemy could detect it.
And Lt Col David Burke told 60 Minutes last year: 'I'm telling you, having flown those other airplanes, it's not even close at how good this airplane is and what this airplane will do for us.'

Fighting fit at forty: F-16 planes first flew in 1974 and are constantly updated with new technology
Its creators at Lockheed Martin boast that the stealth jet 'combines advanced stealth capabilities with fighter aircraft speef and agility, fully fused sensor information, network-enabled operations and advanced logistics and sustainment'.
The f35.com website continues: 'The F-35 is designed with the entire battlespace in mind, bringing new flexibility and capability to the United States and its allies.
'Reliance on any single capability – electronic attack, stealth, etc – is not sufficient for success and survivability in the future.'
There are three main variants to the F-35: F-35A conventional takeoff and landing; the F-35B short take-off and vertical landing; and F-35C carrier-based catapulta-assisted take-off but arrested recovery aircraft.
The fifth-generation aircraft is designed to excel in electronic warfare, air-to-surface combat and air-to-air combat.
Its stealth technology allows it to avoid radar detection that previous fourth generation fighters cannot. It also carries its weapons and fuel internally so it cannot be 'detected and tracked'.

Old-timers: F-16s have flown in combat missions over Iraq, Afghanistan, the Balkans and Libya
edited by kcontents
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