시리아 특별대사가 세계 최고의 섹시스트? Special Envoy Angelina rips UN's 'paralysis' over Syria's four million refugees and..(VIDEO)

Special Envoy Angelina rips UN's 'paralysis' over Syria's four million refugees and blasts their treatment as the 'world's lowest point'. And the Syrian ambassador's response? 'She's beautiful'

The actress briefed the council as special envoy for the U.N. on refugee issues in New York on Friday

Jolie lambasted the Security Council for their inaction over the crisis, saying: 'We are standing by in Syria' 

Syria's ambassador said simply of her presence: 'She's beautiful' 

Nearly four million Syrians have fled the conflict into neighboring countries, which warn they are dangerously overstretched

Angelina Jolie went on to speak at the Women In The World Summit held in Manhattan on Friday afternoon 

유엔난민기구(UNHCR) 특사인 할리우드 배우 안젤리나 졸리가 유엔 안보리에 참석해

시리아 난민 사태를 해결하기 위한 국제사회의 지원을 촉구하는 연설했다.

시리아 정부에 대해 호된 질책이 이어진 그녀의 연설 중 시리아 특별대사는 면전에 대고 

"아름답다"라고 만 말해 참석자들에게서 세계에서 가장 섹시한 남자로 비아냥을 받았다.

현재 시리아는 이웃나라들의 전쟁속에 휘말려 약 4백만명에 가까운 사람들이 대탈출을 

시도하고 있으며 최근에는 지중해에서 시리아 난민선이 전복돼 약 200명이 사망했다.

그리스 남동부 에게해의 로데스 섬 앞바다에서 20일 약 200명을 태운 난민선이 조난당해 적어도 3명이 숨졌다. 물에 빠졌던 

난민들이 지역 주민들의 도움을 받아 해변으로 나오고 있다. 최근 지중해 일대에서는 유럽으로 가려는 아프리카와 중동 난민들을

태운 난민선의 침몰 사고가 잇따르고 있다. 로데스 섬/EPA 연합뉴스

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor @conpaper 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터


Angelina Jolie pleaded with world powers on Friday to help the millions of Syrian refugees, sharply criticizing the U.N. Security Council for being paralyzed by its division over Syria's four-year conflict.

Jolie briefed the council as special envoy for the U.N. on refugee issues. When asked about Jolie's planned briefing, Syria's U.N. Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari responded: 'She is beautiful.'  

Nearly four million Syrians have fled the conflict into neighboring countries, which warn they are dangerously overstretched.

Scroll down for video  

Angelina Jolie briefed the UN in her role as special envoy in New York on Friday. The actress spoke passionately about the plight of refugees in Syria and sharply criticized the UN Security Council for their lack of action

Angelina Jolie briefed the UN in her role as special envoy in New York on Friday. The actress spoke passionately about the plight of refugees in Syria and sharply criticized the UN Security Council for their lack of action

When asked about Jolie's briefing on Friday, Syria's U.N. Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari (pictured left) responded: 'She is beautiful'

Special envoy, Angelina Jolie, winked as she took her seat at the UN Security Council Meeting in Manhattan 

Special envoy, Angelina Jolie, winked as she took her seat at the UN Security Council Meeting in Manhattan 

Jolie listens into the discussion on Syria and the plight of refugees in the Middle East on Friday morning 

Jolie listens into the discussion on Syria and the plight of refugees in the Middle East on Friday morning 

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) special envoy, actress Angelina Jolie smiles before speaking to members

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) special envoy, actress Angelina Jolie smiles before speaking to members

Angelina Jolie pictured at the United Nations on Friday. She has been a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador since August 2001 

Angelina Jolie pictured at the United Nations on Friday. She has been a UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador since August 2001 

Angelina Jolie arrives with her speech to address the United Nations Security Council meeting in New York City on Friday

Angelina Jolie arrives with her speech to address the United Nations Security Council meeting in New York City on Friday

Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets with young Syrian refugees at an informal tented settlement in Zahle, Bekaa Valley in Zahle, Lebanon in February 2014. The actress and husband Brad Pitt were reportedly moving to adopt a child from the war-torn region

Special Envoy Angelina Jolie meets with young Syrian refugees at an informal tented settlement in Zahle, Bekaa Valley in Zahle, Lebanon in February 2014. The actress and husband Brad Pitt were reportedly moving to adopt a child from the war-torn region


The UN reports that about 440,000 people are besieged in Syria's civil war, now in its fifth year. 

Of those, 167,500 are trapped by government forces, 228,000 by Islamic State militants and the rest by other armed groups.

The 39-year-old actress and director spoke at the United Nations in New York on Friday dressed in a white blazer, matching skirt and delicate jewelry. She had removed her $250,000 diamond engagement ring to make her speech. 

'We cannot look at Syria, and the evil that has arisen from the ashes of indecision, and think this is not the lowest point in the world's inability to protect and defend the innocent,' Jolie said.


'We are standing by in Syria,' she said, adding that the council's powers lie unused because its members cannot agree on how to address the conflict.

In addition, Jolie spoke briefly about the rising migrant crisis on the Mediterranean, where more than 1,300 migrants fleeing Syria and other places have drowned at sea over the past three weeks.

'It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorstep of the world's wealthiest continent,' she said. 

'No one risks the lives of their children in this way except out of utter desperation.' 

Jolie, who said she has made 11 visits to Syrian refugees in the region since the crisis began in 2011, called strongly for the political will to act.

It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorstep of the world's wealthiest continent. No one risks the lives of their children in this way except out of utter desperation.

Jolie on the recent drownings of the migrants fleeing to Europe

Russia, a top Syria ally and backed by China, has vetoed multiple council resolutions on Syria, including an effort last year to refer the situation there to the International Criminal Court.

Jolie said the council must now 'work as one,' and she said she would like to see the foreign minister of each of the 15 council members come to the table to negotiate a political solution.

She also urged council members to visit Syrian refugees and see the crisis for themselves. 

'Those refugees cannot come to this council, so please, will you go to them,' said Jolie.

Following her UN speech, Jolie spoke on stage during the Women In The World Summit held in New York on Friday. 

She told a rapt audience that 'women are still treated as secondary issues' in wartorn regions. 

According to the NY Times said: 'It is still far too easy and accepted for leaders to ignore uncomfortable truths, from FGM (female genital mutilation) to child marriage. 

'It is still the norm for women to be excluded from the peace process. Women, we know, are the first to be affected by war, and the last to be taken into account when it ends.'

Angelina Jolie was helped into her seat at the UN on Friday where she made berated world powers for not doing enough to help Syria and urged them to come together for resolution 

Angelina Jolie was helped into her seat at the UN on Friday where she made berated world powers for not doing enough to help Syria and urged them to come together for resolution 

Jolie made a powerful speech before the UN where she urged council members to visit Syrian refugees and see the crisis for themselves

Jolie made a powerful speech before the UN where she urged council members to visit Syrian refugees and see the crisis for themselves

U.N. Special Envoy for Refugees Angelina Jolie, right, and U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees AntÛnio Guterres, left, brief the U.N. Security Council on Syria's refugee crisis 

U.N. Special Envoy for Refugees Angelina Jolie, right, and U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees AntÛnio Guterres, left, brief the U.N. Security Council on Syria's refugee crisis 

Angelina Jolie makes notes during the United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday morning 

Angelina Jolie makes notes during the United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday morning 

Jolie also discussed the hundreds of migrants who have drowned in the Mediterranean in the past month, saying: 'It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorstep of the world's wealthiest continent'

Jolie also discussed the hundreds of migrants who have drowned in the Mediterranean in the past month, saying: 'It is sickening to see thousands of refugees drowning on the doorstep of the world's wealthiest continent'

Angelina Jolie was spotted leaving the David H. Koch Theatre at Lincoln Center in New York City on Friday where she attended the Women in the World Summit 

Angelina Jolie was spotted leaving the David H. Koch Theatre at Lincoln Center in New York City on Friday where she attended the Women in the World Summit 

Angelina Jolie was spotted leaving the David H. Koch Theatre at Lincoln Center in New York City on April 24, 2015, where she attended the Women in the World Summit. She gave a big wave to the photographers as she headed to the car. 

Pictured: Angelina Jolie
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Following her second speaking engagement of the day, the activist waved and got into a waiting car 

Earlier this month, a business associate of Jolie and husband Brad Pitt told The Daily Express that the couple want to adopt a little Syrian girl.

The megastars are already parents to six children, three biological - Shiloh, eight, and six-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, and three adopted children, Maddox ,13, from Cambodia, Pax, 11, from Vietnam, and Zahara, 10, from Ethiopia.

'She has been moved to tears on several occasions over the plight of youngsters orphaned in the Syrian conflict,' the source told The Express.

'Now she has sorted out her health issues, she and Brad believe the time is right to adopt another orphan from there, most likely a daughter.'

Last month, Jolie - who married Pitt in the summer of 2014 - revealed that she could not biologically have children again as she had her ovaries removed.

She had the operation to prevent cancer cells from taking over the organs - her beloved mother Marcheline Bertrand died from ovarian and breast cancer in 2007.

Two years ago, Angelina underwent a double mastectomy as another preventative measure. 

Jolie, 39, stood out in her white suit as she joined members of the UN Security Council for the meeting 

Jolie, 39, stood out in her white suit as she joined members of the UN Security Council for the meeting 

Jolie described the Syrian crisis as the 'lowest point in the world's inability to protect and defend the innocent' 

Jolie described the Syrian crisis as the 'lowest point in the world's inability to protect and defend the innocent' 

Fans: Angelina Jolie greets Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, before a meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan

Fans: Angelina Jolie greets Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom to the UN, Mark Lyall Grant, before a meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in Manhattan

In her second high-profile speaking engagement of the day, actress Angelina Jolie speaks on stage during the Women In The World Summit held in New York on Friday

In her second high-profile speaking engagement of the day, actress Angelina Jolie speaks on stage during the Women In The World Summit held in New York on Friday

According to reports, Jolie and husband Brad Pitt were moving to adopt a child from Syria. The megastars are parents to three biological children - Shiloh, eight, and six-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, and three adopted children, Maddox ,13, from Cambodia, Pax, 11, from Vietnam, and Zahara, 10, from Ethiopia (pictured in 2014) 

According to reports, Jolie and husband Brad Pitt were moving to adopt a child from Syria. The megastars are parents to three biological children - Shiloh, eight, and six-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne, and three adopted children, Maddox ,13, from Cambodia, Pax, 11, from Vietnam, and Zahara, 10, from Ethiopia (pictured in 2014)



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