이스라엘 혼성 전투부대 '카라칼 대대 Caracal Battalion' VIDEO




“Women's Affairs Advisor to the Chief of Staff Practices Marksmanship”, November, 2010. Pictured here in the Mitkan Adam base, the Women's Affairs Advisor to the IDF Chief of Staff, Brigadier General Gila Kalifi-Amir, practices her marksmanship skills with the guidance of a Marksmanship Instructor during an event for IDF staff officers. The Women's Affairs Advisor to the Chief of Staff is responsible for addressing the unique needs and successful integration of female soldiers into the IDF. She heads the Women's Affairs Advisor unit whose responsibilities include: research, information and advocacy for women serving in the IDF, professional guidance regarding women's affairs, and the representation of the IDF's female soldiers to the media and to the general public.


“Infantry Instructors Course”, August 25, 2009. The Field Training Week in Southern Israel, part of the IDF Infantry Instructors course, includes individual and group drills, navigation practice, sleeping in the field and camouflage training. At the end of the course the female soldiers will be placed in different positions instructing IDF Ground Forces.


[카라칼 대대 Caracal Battalion]


카라칼 대대 Caracal Battalion는 2000년에 창설된 남녀 혼성부대이다.


세계 각국의 여군 대부분이 전투보다는 지원병과이나 카라칼 대대의 주 임무는 침입, 테러, 밀수 방지 등으로

치열한 전투가 다반사다. 2012년 3명의 테러리스트를 사상에 세상의 주목을 받았다.


이스라엘 군 전투부대에서의 여성 비율은 점점 증가하고 있다.

카라칼 부대는 여성이 약 70%에 달하며 포병도 10명 중 1명이 여군이다.


남자 3년, 여자 2년의 군 복무기간도 향후 남자는 4개월 줄이고, 여자는 4개월 늘리는 안을 정부에서 추진 중 이라고 한다.  



The Caracal Battalion was founded in the year 2000 conceding to public pressures for thecreation of an intensive combat unit for girls. They are given the name of a desert feline
whose gender is barely distinguishable, and the battalion number signifies the number of women soldiers who fell in the Palmach Era.


The girls volunteer to become combat soldiers, and must go through two days of mental
examinations and physical challenges before joining, since the course is strenuous and
identical to that of any other exclusively male battalion.


As part of the Southern Command, Caracal men and women secure the Egyptian
border from smugglers, infiltrators, and terrorists.


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