'전쟁과 평화', 70년이 지난 노르망디의 과거와 현재 그자리의 모습은? The incredible photographs that contrast the horror of the D-Day..






*D-Day assault map of the Normandy region and the north-western coast of France

** Diagrammatic cross section of the beach at Omaha


1944년 6월 6일 노르망디 상륙작전

오마하해변은 연합군의 암호명이다.



Normandy:Surviving D-Day(full documentary)HD

War and peace:

The incredible photographs that contrast the horror of the D-Day battlefields in 1944 with their present-day serenity


This year marks 70 years since Allied invasion of France in 1944 with thousands of troops landed in Normandy
Here photographs show the incredible transformation of battlefields from the invasion to the present day
Tanks are replaced by caravans while sunbathers relax where wounded troops were carried ashore by comrades

By Daily Mail Reporter
On June 6, 1944, The Allies launched the biggest seaborne invasion ever seen, Operation Overlord, as they attempted to overcome the Nazi juggernaut that had conquered most of mainland Europe.

That attack, and the battles that followed, would see some of the fiercest fighting of the Second World War brought to the coast and countryside of France.

Here an incredible set of photographs shows those battlefields as they were then, littered with burned out planes, wounded soldiers and destroyed buildings, and as they are now, packed with tourists, sunbathers, and beach huts.

Packed with landing craft, tanks, trucks, soldiers and anti-aircraft balloons, it is difficult to recognise the beach near Coleville-sur-Mer, code-named Omaha Beach, when it is set against its serene modern-day counterpart, home to nothing more than a few walkers and a caravan.


The invasion

The invasion: U.S. craft of all shapes and sizes crowd onto Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944 (top), to disgorge troops and equipment during the first stages of the Allied counter-attack, the greatest seaborne invasion in history. Bottom: 70 years on in May this year, the beach near Colleville-sur-Mer is a haven of peace

1944년 6월 6일 오마하해변(암호명) - 노르망디 D-Day

Calmer waters

Calmer waters: U.S. troops are helped ashore after their craft was sunk by enemy fire at Omaha Beach — which is now a popular spot for sunbathers

Chaos of war

Chaos of war: A crashed U.S. fighter plane on the waterfront at Saint-Aubin-sur-Mer near Juno Beach bears testament to the ferocity of fighting, where flags now fly prettily along the promenade


Watching history

Watching history: Residents look on as a Canadian bulldozer clears the Rue de Bayeux after the battle for Caen — the church towers somehow survived the Allied bombing, but much of the city had to be rebuilt

Everyday horrors

Everyday horrors: The body of a dead German soldier lies in the main square of Trevieres near Omaha Beach. Today, the town is popular with families

Streets of change

Streets of change: A French tank gets a warm welcome passing through Sainte Mere Eglise — today the bombed building is a clothes shop

Sands of time

Sands of time: Captured German soldiers at Bernieres-sur Mer, which was one of the first liberated towns

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2710134/War-peace-The-incredible-photographs-contrast-horror-D-Day-battlefields-1944-present-day-serenity.html#ixzz38vHhy4fe
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