아랍에미레이트 '에타하드 철도 1단계' 곧 운행 예정 UAE Sulphur Railway to be Operational Soon


GCC Railway Network


Etihad Rail Network, U.A.E



아랍에미레이트의 '에티하드 철도사업' 1단계가 조만간 개통된다.

총연장 266km 구간의 이 사업은 현재 궤도부설을 마치고 수개월 동안 시험가동 중이다.


U.A.E는 GCC국가 중 2번째로 큰 'GCC Railway Network'을 보유하고 있으며 전지역을

연결하는 첫 철도프로젝트로서 2단계가 곧 착수될 예정이다.


'GCC Railway Network'의 전체 완공은 2018년으로 예정되어 있다..


[Etihad Rail Network]

총연장 1200 km

사업비: 110억불

1단계 266km Shah and Habshan sulphur fields and the port of Ruwais

잔  여  934km Saudi border, via Dubai, to Al Ain on the Omani border


[GCC Railway Network]

총연장 2177 km


쿠웨이트, 오만, 사우디아라비아, 아랍에미레이트, 카타르, 바레인,예멘

사업비: 594억불






Etihad Rail Network


UAE Sulphur Railway to be Operational Soon 


By Sam Applegate on Jun 24, 2014 in Bahrain, Freight, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen

UAE officials have confirmed that the first phase of the Etihad Rail Network will be operational in the “near future”.


This includes the 266 km lines between Shah and Habshan sulphur fields and the port of Ruwais.


Construction is complete on the lines and testing has been underway for some months.

Meanwhile a new Federal law to regulate the UAE’s railway sector is passing through the Ministerial Council for Services.


The UAE will be the second country in the GCC region to have a fully operational heavy rail network, and this will be the first railway network in the UAE to link all the Emirates.


The next phase of the network will be between the Saudi border, via Dubai, to Al Ain on the Omani border as part of the Emirates’ commitment to the construction of the GCC Railway Network.


This 2177 km network will link Kuwait’s Iraqi border via Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar and the Yemeni border of Oman.


It is expected to be completed sometime in 2018 when all the individual countries networks are completed.



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