세계 최대의 꽃 'World's biggest flower' that is almost 4ft wide....
'World's biggest flower' that is almost 4ft wide and smells like ROTTING FLESH blooms in Indonesian rainforest - but dies just one week later
Rafflesia tuan-mudae blooms for a few days and smells like decomposing flesh
The stench attracts flies and carrion beetles to pollinate the bizarre plant
Researchers studying the plant say it is the largest of its species ever recorded
PUBLISHED: 11:38 GMT, 3 January 2020 | UPDATED: 12:58 GMT, 3 January 2020
세계 최대의 꽃 인도네시아에서 부패한 살냄새가 나는 붉고 밝은 색의 꽃이 117cm가 넘어 세계에서 가장 큰 꽃 중 하나가 됐다. 라플레시아 투안무대는 매우 큰 꽃잎을 가지고 있고 인도네시아 열대우림에서 꽃을 피웠다가 일주일 만에 죽었다. 현지 보도에 따르면 이 꽃은 다섯 송이의 꽃 중 첫 번째 꽃이라고 한다. 인도네시아 서 수마트라주 마람부앙 나가라이 바리니 마을의 자연보호구역 숲에서 발견됐다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 큐레이터 Ki Chul Hwang, conpaper editor, curator |
edited by kcontents
A bright red flower reeking of decomposing flesh has bloomed in Indonesia which is more than three feet across (117cm), making it one of the biggest flowers in the world.
Rafflesia tuan-mudae has large petals and blossomed in the Indonesian rainforest before dying after just a week.
Local reports claim the flower is the first of a group of five of the flowers expected to bloom.
The massive flower called Rafflesia Tuan-Mudae is 46 inches (117cm) wide - the biggest of its species ever grown
Rafflesia tuan-mudae has large petals and blossomed in the Indonesian rainforest before dying after just a week. Pictured, a researcher measures its centre
A video shows conservationist taking measurement of the flower in the forest of the nature reserve in Marambuang Nagarai Barini village in West Sumatra, Indonesia.
The massive flower called Rafflesia Tuan-Mudae is 46 inches (117cm) wide - the biggest of its species ever grown.
Rafflesia is the name of a large group of plants all of which smell of rotting flesh to attract flies and carrion beetles.
BIGGEST flower in the world: Rafflesia arnoldii kcontents