해저 2천 미터에서 악어 먹는 갑각류들 VIDEO; Unsettling footage captured in the Gulf of Mexico shows giant isopods the size of FOOTBALLS devouring an alligator carcass

Unsettling footage captured in the Gulf of Mexico shows giant isopods the size of FOOTBALLS devouring an alligator carcass

For the first time ever, experts saw how the ocean disposes of large reptiles

In the experiment, two alligator carcasses were dropped to the ocean floor

The result was a host of hungry isopods clamoring to devour the bounty 

Researchers are keeping their eyes peeled for other creatures that may join


해저 2천 미터에서 악어 먹는 갑각류들

  난생 처음 악어 고기를 먹는 심해 동물의 모습을 촬영한 영상이 큰 화제를 낳고 있다.


영상은 미국 루이지애나 대학교 해양 조합 (LUMCON)이 촬영한 것이다. 지난 2월 기증 받은 악어 세 마리의 사체를 멕시코만 해저에 놓아두었다. 수심 2000미터 가량의 심해였다.

등각류라 불리는 갑각류 동물들이 나타났다. 악어 길이는 2~3미터 정도였고 등각류는 럭비공 크기였다.

이 동물들은 악어를 처음 먹어 봤을 텐데 대단히 집요하게 공략했다. 두꺼운 악어 가죽을 뜯어 먹는 것은 기본이었고 일부는 악어 속으로 들어가 파먹으면서 밖으로 나오기도 했다.

해외 네티즌들의 반응은 주로 감탄이다. “이 세상을 살면서 흔히 볼 수 없는 영상”이라며 과학자들의 놀라운 실험 정신에 박수를 보낸다.


edited by kcontents



PUBLISHED: 00:28 BST, 11 April 2019 | UPDATED: 13:13 BST, 11 April 2019

While alligators may be apex predators during their lifetime, when they die, many return to the watery depths to become just another part of the food chain, shows new research. 

In the first-ever 'food fall' involving sea-faring reptiles — in this case Alligators —researchers dropped two carcasses to the bottom of the ocean to find out just how their bodies might be disposed of. 

What they discovered was that, like other animals of scale that live in the Earth's oceans, the Alligator carcasses quickly became a feast for a bevy of bottom-feeding sea bugs called isopods.  


In the first-ever 'food fall' involving sea-faring reptiles — in this case Alligators —researchers dropped two carcasses to the bottom of the ocean to find out just how their bodies might be disposed of. Isopods quickly came in to clean up the mess (shown)

For those unfamiliar with the scavenging sea creatures, they may look strikingly similar to a land insect known as Armadillidiidae, commonly referred to as Pill Bugs or 'Roly Poly bugs.'

The similarity is no coincidence, according to researchers. 

Both the isopods and pill bugs come from the same order of animals. 

One major difference, aside from their size — giant isopods grow to be roughly the size of an American football — is their insatiable appetite.  

In the video, scientists observed some of the creatures gorging on the carcass until they were almost completely immobile. 

Their gluttonous tendencies aren't merely a character flaw, however. 

Researchers say the ability to consume obscene amounts of food may also serve as a biological tool that helps isopods survive long periods of time on infrequent, or even rare, meals. 

Inside the creatures is mostly lipid and fat, say the scientists which allows for long term storage of energy in between meals which can take periods of months or even years. 


